Stephanie Klein on Rachael Ray Show


For those who may have stumbled onto my site after seeing the Rachael Ray Show, welcome!

I’m a mother to toddler twins (who arrived 10 weeks early!), an author, a photographer, a fat camp champ, a former thin person, and a wife (not always in that order, lest I wind up with another husband turned Wasband). If you really want to know me, you can start with the facts.

I blog about everything from duct taping my daughter into her diaper to achieving "balance" and which components actually make the best damn burger.

Join our dysfunctional family: Subscribe to RSS or via email.

You can also find me on Facebook and Twitter.

Hair Washing, Hair Raising: How to Give a Child a Bath

Slacker Mom

Slow Starts

Is "Special Needs" A Retarded Term?


Milk Pail Fail
