makeup for the busy mom

a day in stephaniekleins life
I mentioned last week that I wait until I’m in the car to apply my makeup. What I failed to mention are the products I’m actually using these days.


If you can’t do anything else, at least have good eyebrows. I use Anastasia All-In-One Brow Kit. It comes with stencils that makes your brows look amazing, not weird.

I like to fake eight hours of sleep with Tarte’s Dark Circle Defense.  The holidays are coming, along with the self-stress I pile on to get everything done–never mind perfectly, just done.


I’m a big fan of 2-in-1 makeup products (hello Preparation H) since the cup holders in my car can only hold so much. This Smashbox Halo Wand product may be meant for your eyes, but I like to apply it to my T-zone (Instead of stopping at my nose, I draw a line down to my chin). I also dab a couple of dots of the stuff on the outer corners of my eyes.

I used to think primer was a bullshit product, until I tried Smashbox’s Photo Finish. It really makes a difference in how everything blends together. Your makeup just slides right on. It also leaves my face feeling super smooth.





  1. Thanks for the recommendations, I am always looking for new makeup that makes me look so pretty there is no way I could be wearing makeup!

    PS – I loved this post last year where you took pictures of your day – I vote you do another post just like this, one year later!

  2. Great post! I am a total product junky! It’s nice to learn new tricks to keep looking fresh. Always enjoy reading your blog!


  3. hahaah it was great reading this. I remember all those years ago when you rec’d Stila Kitten and I went and bought it and it has been a staple for me ever since!

    :) Love these posts!

  4. Love the post! What mascara do you use? I’m a redhead as well, with dark brown eyes and paler-than-pale skin. I want to use something that will really make my eyelashes stand out, but without ending up with those dark circles under my eyes at the end of the day from the mascara that has ended up under my eyes. Thanks!

  5. I wanted to wish you and your family well today with Lucas’s MRI. Fingers crossed for clear results and continuing Happy News!

  6. Where can we see the video of you on the Rachael Ray show? I missed it bc I was in a seminar on work-life balance. Ironic.

  7. Will have to try out that Lorac powder! :) Stephanie, is your appearance on Rachael Ray anyone I can see it online yet?

  8. I love Smashbox Photo Finish and wear it at every photo shoot and live event I do! Steph, you makeup regimen is definitely working for you – you looked beautiful on Rachel Ray.

  9. Dahling! You HAVE to try the products from Perfekt which is carried in Sephora!!!! They are totally amazing. They are gels that leave the most beautiful finish and give you color at the same time. The body gel is perfect as a self tanner but it’s not a self tanner. Please check it out!!

  10. What lipstick/lipgloss are you wearing in that picture? Its perfect, beautiful without trying to hard.

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