new york holiday

It’s official. After Halloween, the store windows stop. They skip right over Thanksgiving and already have me thinking of the December events, aside from the twin taters turning two. I realize money is tight, that it’s hard, that people are losing their jobs, taking less pay, eating home a lot. I know I’ll be making scrapbooks as gifts if there’s time, but with all I have going on, it’s been hard to find time for such arts & crafties. Instead, I procrastinate making fun lists, this one in particular dedicated to my love of New York. It’s not finished, but it’s a fun start. Except now all I want to do is listen to Christmas music and eat a toasted bialey with a touch of salted, melted butter. Lox are optional. But alas, I have a cold and should instead go watch television, wear socks, and drink salty soup.


See more of my NY NY Holiday



  1. Omg yum. My uncle used to own a bakery in Manhattan and every time he'd come to visit, he'd bring a giant brown paper bag filled with bialys. Bagels in a seperate bag. Greek cheeses in wax paper. My parents would leave to take my brothers to soccer or to do errands and I'd easily toss down two or three. The perfect toasted bialy center where it's slightly burned and crunches with butter. My stomach was already rumbling, but now I have a craving.

  2. FWIW, I'd kill for a scrapbook from you. It would be so much better a gift than something from an expensive ritzy titzy NY emporium. Since we have no shared experiences, nor have you any of my photos or mementos or any other scrapbook appropriate materials, I'll take a bialy. Or 2.

  3. Given all of your prior pedicure posts, the last way I imagine you is in socks, Stephanie.

  4. Every time that you write something about NY, I would like to take the first plane to reach once again this beautiful town! I just visited NY last year and I was fascinated. Now if I want to "smell" something similar to the real bagels of NY, I can reach Milan and go to the "California Bakery" ( And just dreaming….

  5. Stephanie, thanks for posting that delish pic of the bialys. I went to the site 'Russ & Daughters' who bake them, and clicked on their 'history' tab. What a wonderful history of an immigrant family coming to NY back in 1891. Talk about a scrap book! I love their story & wonderful photos. The history of New York is fascinating. Also, very cute pics of the beans. Are they too big to still call them the beans?

  6. What exactly IS a bialy? I googled it, but most of what came up were pictures of people being spanked. So now I'm totally confused (though chuckling).

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