Today was preschool orientation. When all was said and done—I feel like I need a private, secretive blog, so I can post honestly about parents/ kids/ the whole lot of ’em without breaking laws—I asked Lucas and Abigail to tell me their favorite parts of their first (half) day of school. Lucas liked making a new friend named Hank. Abigail’s answer was a bit more in the bread box.
“My favorite part of school was when we got to eat bread.”
My Guy

Stephanie – They are darling, and I think you are an amazing mom!
OH MY GOODNESS, We miss Lucas& Abigail.
The other day Max grabbed my phone and said “Hi” and Jacob said “Look Mama, Max is calling Lucas and Abigail”
Today, sweet son started his junior year in college, middle daughter her sophomore year and baby starts her senior year of high school tomorrow. It was one minute ago…no…one second ago that I was at the store buying crayons, back-packs, glue sticks, lunch boxes, socks with ruffles around the cuffs…ironing uniform shirts and writing lunch-notes.
Do I long for those days? Nope. But I love having lived them.
And now they’re strong, capable, intelligent, driven young adults. Instead of crayons, it’s ink cartridges. Instead of glue sticks…memory sticks for their computers. Instead of lunchboxes – it’s tupperware for their dorm fridges.
I remember their first days of school. They were each so earnest and concerned…would they have friends? Could they find their lockers? Who would they have lunch with? What if someone laughed at them? What if their teacher hated them? What if their tooth fell out at school? What if they got their period during gym? What if…what if…
And it all happened. Life happens. Faster and faster now. How is it possible that time has gone so fast? How can my sweet boy be turning 21 in November when I’m still very 29 (er…remainder 15).
It just does. Thankfully. Life goes on.
Just had to say that your kids are stunning!! Abigail’s eyes in that photo are just beautiful!