We’d considered "Taylor," since today we picked up our new 8-week-old Beagle puppy in Taylor, TX. But "Taylor" seemed a bit dim, and I couldn’t help but think of "steam roller blues" and a man with a receding hairline. The name we’ve been considering, and using for right now, is Mr. Bikini. But we’re open to suggestions. Weird, just now, in the background, as I was typing this, Phil has CSI on the television. I’m not paying attention, but suddenly, the guy on the screen, as I’m writing this said, "That’s right, Bikini did it." Okay–just rewound. He said McKeeny, not Bikini. Good talk.
Just to hear the sprouts say, "Kini, Kini" melts my heart. But let the names begin. Madras, Roux, The Moss? Apostrophe? Scrabble, Pilot, Costello, Moose? I can hear it now, "How is my sweet pample-moose today? Are you good? Does my little roast beef sandwich baby need some love?"
We’re also considering HIGGINS, as in Professor Henry Higgins.
FYI Here’s a puppy photo of LINUS, my Toy Fox Terrier who now lives with Lea since he’s not good with children, or people in general, except for me and Lea. This new corn chip pawed puppy reminds me of Linus, which makes me happy. Except, obviously, our new little man is a Beagle, not a terrier. Obedience training is crucial now, while he’s young, because Beagles, as hounds, tend to follow their noses, ignoring all else. Obedience and a fence. Especially in this neighborhood. If this guy goes missing, he’ll be some coyote’s amuse bouche.
As for the new living room… we’re going to wait a while now, for obvious reasons, but we do plan on making updates on what we have. I’ll post once that does happen, but it won’t be for a month or two. Oh, how our sagittarius babies love dogs! It’s even in the summary of their sign: that they either love or hate dogs. So far, they’re obsessed. And that was before they met Senor dog today. This should be fun and exhausting and sweet. Now, I’m going back to work. Happy New Year everyone!

Oh I'm so glad you did it and I didn't. It was really close. What a cute pup.
If I were to have gotten a dog this Christmas it would have been named Vidalia. Whether or not a girl or boy onion – Vidalia. If it were boy, it would be Vito. Or Alouicious. Or Herbert. Norbert. Allistair. Hermes. Clyve. Or, because you've gotten a hound, Pooh.
I, instead, got a GPS woman who talks to me. I programmed her to have a British accent so she's not so annoying, and have now named her "Q" – stands for Queen. The Queen is telling me where to go.
Happy new year!
FROM SK: I once wrote on the blog about first moving to Austin and getting my GPS lady, and programming her to sound British too. "Recalculating…" over and over from that lady makes me act like a real queen.
OH. MY. G-D. That is one ridiculously cute puppy. I adore hound dogs and beagles rock. Totally shot my wad in terms of creativity when I named our first beagle "Baegel." See? All the letters of "beagle", but pronounced "bagel." (You're underwhelmed, I know.) She was so wonderful with children, even though we don't have kids, and would lose it when she came across a child – like this was someone on HER level who was wiggly and loud and she could totally relate to that. Enjoy your new baby.
OH. MY. G-D. That is one ridiculously cute puppy. I adore hound dogs and beagles rock. Totally shot my wad in terms of creativity when I named our first beagle "Baegel." See? All the letters of "beagle", but pronounced "bagel." (You're underwhelmed, I know.) She was so wonderful with children, even though we don't have kids, and would lose it when she came across a child – like this was someone on HER level who was wiggly and loud and she could totally relate to that. Enjoy your new baby.
OH. MY. G-D. That is one ridiculously cute puppy. I adore hound dogs and beagles rock. Totally shot my wad in terms of creativity when I named our first beagle "Baegel." See? All the letters of "beagle", but pronounced "bagel." (You're underwhelmed, I know.) She was so wonderful with children, even though we don't have kids, and would lose it when she came across a child – like this was someone on HER level who was wiggly and loud and she could totally relate to that. Enjoy your new baby.
Not fancy or 'clever but he looks like a sam:)
Call the corn chip pawed puppy Frito.
I am so happy for you. You will love that little snuggler so much. We have a three year old beagle – Jack. It took us more than a week to find his name. You'll know when you stumble upon the right one. Good luck!
With that face…I'd be tempted just to call him "Punim"
Happy New Year!
So dang adorable!!
Let's see…how about Sebastian, Benson, Charlie, Jack, Wilson, Hendrix, Lennon, Gerhig, Cody, Bogart, Cooper, or Oliver?
Okay, I clearly could go on forever. I can't wait to hear the stories involving twin two year olds AND a puppy. Pure gold my friend.
I hope he's a rescue pup. Adopt don't shop.
If you get a new dog, it might as well before you decorate a a main living area so – let him be free and mess it up already! THat's what family life is all about. Being messy, being real, and having fun – screw propriety and being neat and in style. Frankly, non of that matters if there is no family living there. Trust me. Live, be messy, enjoy your doggie.
BUT, my exquisitely handsome Italian neighbor has one and he barks like whole holy hell and runs after a tennis ball. So please persue training to keep the cuteness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FROM SK: Yes, we're taking him to obedience classes, but I've watched Cesar Millan enough to know that we need to be the alpha dog in the relationship, and that I can't treat him like a baby. Beagles don't like being alone. They're happy around the family, and given that Phil and I both work from home, that works out nicely.
My GPS is a British guy named Daniel. Totally cool!! Not sure that it works as a name for the puppy, but it works for me when I'm lost! Happy New Year!
Name your new, darling puppy Digger.
Wilfred M. Pickens
Benson, Winston, Jasper, Harper, Hudson, Sedgewick, and Walker all come to mind. He is too cute! Good Luck, and may I suggest kennel training – worked for our german shepard/golden retriever in 3 days. NO accidents.
I don't have any name suggestions, but we took our dog to Joyce Morgan Training Center in Austin. I highly recommend them.
I like the name Charlie.
And, call me when you'd like free help cuz I'm free and have a mini poodle myself!!!! :) How FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He looks like a Leo to me… or a Simon.
He's a cutie, but definitely train him early b/c a beagle who thinks baying at anything is ok will quickly make your neighbors hate you and wake your kids up from naps. Good luck potty training two kids and a pup all at once!
Yay! Congrats on the new family addition, I can't wait to see photos of the beans with him.
Frits is good. or Frito. Something to do with corn chips. Seriously. Our beagle smells like corn chips ALL the time. When we had first adopted her, her breath smelled like coffee and it was the most wonderful thing in the world. Now she just smells like corn chips. We call her frito bandito even though her real name is Penny. Congrats on the beagle, they are terrific (though occasionally terribly annoying with their CONSTANT need for attention) and oh so lovable. Enjoy!
Mmmm, ok. You went to a breeder* and got a dog to try and fix things? Yeah, that'll work.
*You did not say that you went to a breeder, but based on who you show to us here, you are not the pound dog type – only a pure breed for you.
I say "Kini". Let the kids name it :)
Aww another beautiful addition to your family!! Congrats.
I like classic names for dogs. Walter, Arthur, Stanley, Winston, etc. etc. Give 'em a little dignity.
I think the worse thing ever is when people name their animals after designers. It's sorta like buying a t-shirt, writing Chanel on it, and thinking you're being clever.
Congrats on the new puppy!
Scout. Or, Little Atticus Finch.
I vote for old man names! I have a King Charles Spaniel and I named him Arthur – I like Harold, Harvey, etc. Gives them character! Enjoy! What fun!
Oh that is one adorable little puppy face!
Our beagle was named Buddy, short for Budweiser. He was interesting to say the least, extremely neurotic and prone to run away every chance he got. Your little guy reminds me of a Franklin or a Stanley.
I'd call it STRUDEL!
happy new year to you all,
he looks like a Hamlet to me.
I agree with the poster who said the dog looks like a Sam. That was my first thought. Is it a boy or girl? Some other options: Ollie (Olive for a girl), Argos, Nacho (my Mom's friend had a dog named Nacho), Lucy, LuLu, or Tootsie.
Have fun with your new dog and let us all know what name you choose!
I actually think Kini is an adorable name…Maybe the kidlets are trying to tell you something:)
I would call the pup Moosilauke but Moose for short. There is a Mt.Moosilauke here in New Hampshire.
1. Your Pup is gorgeous!
2. Cesar Millan is a genius…has helped me so much with my 1.5 year old Yorkie…she now pees on command. if she doesn't really need to pee but i make her go out she will squeeze whatever bit of pee she has. really cute though when she comes back in searching my eyes for approval and wagging her nubby tail (yes, she came docked).
3. everyone can now disregard my comments on your last post since you will no longer be redecorating for a while.
4. this is an afterthought but if you're using wee-wee pads….ummm ….might be a bad idea. I used them with my dog for a while. And we still had accidents. Something about us giving them the idea that it's ok to pee in the house if we let them pee on wee-wee pads in the house. Low and behold…as soon as we put the wee wee pads out on the den instead of in the house we no longer have accidents.
oh and if you do have accidents (which you will) Anti-Icky-Poo is the best stuff out there. It's an Enzymatic Cleaner. they have a website : http://antiickypoo.com/
or you can save money and get it on amazon.com.
ENJOY! And I say call him Snoopy!
he looks like a Hamlet to me. maybe he would quote some shakespeare!
I vote for the name Keegan.
He's a hound dog…."ain't but a hound dog". How about Elvis?
Elvis "The Hound Dog". Grandpa
OMG I love beagles! We have a half Beagle half Australian Cattle Dog. He has the head of a Beagle with those soft ears and sad eyes and the body and coloring of a Cattle Dog! I wanted a beagle and the fiance wanted a cattle dog! How did we luck out when we found our guy…..
Had we got a beagle puppy (ours was a 3 year old rescue) we were going to name him Captain Bigsby. I vote that name since I wasn't able to name our Mr. Wilson. Good luck with the new guy!
I vote for Peanut or Pickles
He's precious! I think he looks like a Hank or Henry. Also, Taurus Training is a great. We have taken both our dogs there and Melanie rules, best trainer in Austin.
What about Oscar? He sort of reminds me of Walter Matthau, who played Oscar in The Odd Couple. My husband just took a look at him and instantly said, "Either Max or Morris."
adorable! how about Sherlock or Watson….giving the nose investigative thing that beagles have going on. Good luck and enjoy!
Short is best for dogs. I like Moose, but Kini's good too. Hard consonant to start & the two "ee" sounds will help him learn his name more quickly. Especially with the beans squealing it at him which might also help him learn he's lowest on the pack totem pole.
OOPS….a mixup.
I did not post this message….Posted by: Brenda Gundell | Jan 1, 2009 10:57:07 PM
And, call me when you'd like free help cuz I'm free and have a mini poodle myself!!!! :) How FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I don't have a poodle)
I actually posted this one…..Posted by: BethM | Jan 1, 2009 10:53:29 PM
Name your new, darling puppy Digger.
I like Brooks,Kingston or Roscoe. Whatever you end up naming him there's no question about how absolutely ADORABLE he is!!!