It’s May 1st, Lei Day. Also known as May Day, which kinda makes me want to switch on a Jane Austen film and watch the wealthy toss their polished coins in the air as stainless children dressed like puffs frolic about like sprites. May Day poles, wide ribbons, top hats, and wedding bells. Or, perhaps an overelaborate drink that tastes a bit like suntan lotion. May Day sounds like a holiday for women who wear hats. And knee highs. And who prefer potato salad to pretty much everything.
I’m celebrating with a pineapple garnish and paper umbrella. It’s not just that’s it’s Lei Day. Within four weeks, Moose will be hitting shelves, and dammit, I’ve waited a long time for this moment. So I’m going to enjoy every little moment of it. Moose is the story I’ve wanted to tell my entire adult life. It’s about a part of my life I really wanted to explore, and to forget, all at once. In it I tried to show how being an overweight adolescent shaped my adulthood. How many of the things I believed growing up turned out to be my own insecurities. My own untruths. I explore my relationship with my mother, first loves and what type of friend I was. Sitting on the floor next to boxes of journals and letters from that time brought back memories of stories and dramas. Moose is the telling of those memories.
In the coming month I’ll be making announcements about great companies and people I’ve partnered with for the launch of Moose. Each partnership was chosen for its positive message and devotion to community. There are retailers, product manufacturers, camp companies, websites, magazines, and even a game developer. A new is in the works with very cool features and content being developed in partnership with one of the largest, most respected web authoring companies. In addition, we’ve produced some really fun videos I’ll be going live with. All I can say is the support has been incredible, and I can’t wait to introduce everyone.
In Austin on the May 27th release of Moose, I ’ll be at BookPeople. The people at BookPeople brought their Texas hospitality out for me and suggested making it a MOOSE RELEASE PARTY! So on that night we’ve brought together–through the generosity of some local companies–a camp-themed party. Tito’s Handmade Vodka will be supplying the bug juice. Miles Of Chocolate the decadent chocolate desserts, and of course, there will be giveaways and possibly a raffle. The night should be so much fun, and I can’t wait to meet everyone.
I’m hoping we can do something like this at all of my events. If I’ll be in your area, let me know of any local companies you think might want to take part, or if you work for such a company as well, shoot me an email. Let’s make each event a party! If all else fails I’m bringing cupcakes… or s’mores…
Could you please remind me when your reading in NYC will be? I didn't see it on the map on the left side of your page. I will be there somewhere along the way! NYC or Chicago! I can't wait! :)
Its also a day to 'Facewashing in May Dew'
Facewashing in May Dew: Washing the face with May dew was yet another custom. There was a belief among the women in Great Britain and other parts of Europe those days that May Day dew has the power to restore beauty. This why in the Ozark Mountains, a cradle of American folklore, girls used to nurture a belief that having their faces washed with the early dawn dews on the May Day would help to be married to the man of her choice.
I never heard of this one. But I learned this morning that up here in Mass, this is what those whose anchestors came from witches do on the first day of May.
I'll be seeing you in DC!
OH BOY- how fun! i've been reading since '04 and I am VERY excited to meet you. :)
I am so excited for your book to come out — I really can't wait to read it! I was also an overweight kid (and grew up into an overweight adult, and have now spent the past 5 years LOSING all that weight — both literally and figuratively), and I'm sure we have a lot of the same takes on things.
I really cannot wait to read it. Congratulations! I wish wish wish you were coming to Minneapolis to promote the book. In act, I used to work in book marketing and now I wish I still did, just so I could have arranged your event here!
As another Seven Sisters graduate I had to post. Your May Day post reminded me of Bryn Mawr's annual May Day celebration. Always the Sunday after classes have ended for the year. Complete with a strawberries & cream and champagne (and other yummy dips like Nutella, honey, chocolate, etc.) breakfast, May Pole dancing and a hoop race, all us women dressed in complete white laying out on the main green eating yummy food, drinking more than we should with final coming up and soaking up the sun allllll day. Then there's the May Hole dance, which is a whole 'nother story. Great times. And of course the evening wouldn't be complete without the underclasswomen singing good night to the Seniors for the very last time and an outdoor viewing of A Philadelphia Story, starring our girl Katharine Hepburn. Man. You just brought back the best memories. =) Thanks for making my day.
As another Seven Sisters graduate I had to post. Your May Day post reminded me of Bryn Mawr's annual May Day celebration. Always the Sunday after classes have ended for the year. Complete with a strawberries & cream and champagne (and other yummy dips like Nutella, honey, chocolate, etc.) breakfast, May Pole dancing and a hoop race, all us women dressed in complete white laying out on the main green eating yummy food, drinking more than we should with final coming up and soaking up the sun allllll day. Then there's the May Hole dance, which is a whole 'nother story. Great times. And of course the evening wouldn't be complete without the underclasswomen singing good night to the Seniors for the very last time and an outdoor viewing of A Philadelphia Story, starring our girl Katharine Hepburn. Man. You just brought back the best memories. =) Thanks for making my day.
FROM SK: I love those memories and wish they were mine. Oh, how I loved A Philadelphia Story. Today I will eat strawberries with clotted cream, or at least press a few into a bowl of fine sanding sugar.
Oh, how I wish I were sitting on a green lawn, sipping a decadent drink, wearing a white cotton dress and a big flooppy hat today.
Instead, I'm looking out my window at snow – piles of it – buckets of it – blizzarding about and hurting the feelings and petals of the lovely pink trees. I'm sipping hot tea with my space heater on high wearing winter boots and long underwear.
Spring? Are you out there? Will we meet again?
Love the book party ideas…they sound just fabulous! Wish I had had vodka at my only camp experience – maybe I wouldn't have had such a miserable time.
When you're in Chicago you should definitely try to get Sweet Mandy B's to supply cupcakes. They also have s'mores, gigantic whoopie pies and tons of fun big cookies. The bakery is just blocks away from DePaul.
Sounds like a great party! I don't like chocolate, but a name like "Miles of Chocolate" has suddenly made me crave a milk chocolate Dove for some reason.
oh yes. i remember may day too! anass kata, kalo, kale… or however, you say it, i don't know how to write the english from greek.
stephanie my dear, don't forget jane austen not austin ;-) as much as i'm sure texans would like to claim her for their very own…
oh man. i just read the to do in a bottle post. sounds like you're stressed out – my apologies for writing in with a correction! hope you feel better.
Too fun. I'm going to the BookPeople signing. Love that place. The drinks are just a bonus, ha. I'll feel like a spaz saying hi! I read you everyday! but I will anyway. Ha.
Oh- I think the cover for Moose is actually perfect. Not sure if you got final say on that but for what it's worth, it works.
FROM SK: Thank you. I didn't just have final say… I designed the cover myself. :) In the coming days, I'll post all the designs I was shown, and then how I ultimately
stiara, you HAVE to be a BMC grad to have unabashedly posted the Anass. =)
Stephanie, clotted cream and berries sound SO GOOD right now. But something tells me it's a wee bit warmer in Austin than NYC today. No sitting outside in the sun for us. =)
I read your first book and found it very entertaining. I like your blog too because you're always honest. But I can't help but think this post sounds like a PR agency wrote it. Excuse me for asking such a blunt question but how do you expect to maintain your integrity when you've got all these corporate partnerships influencing you? It sounds like you're going commercial on us.
best wishes for book sales. and i hope phil is ok. xo.
Awesome! Now i won't need to bring a flask with me. I'll be at the Miami reading. Can't wait for MOOSE.
We have very different images of May Day! Happy International Workers' Day, from one worker to another. :)
I've never written before, but i've sporatically read your blog for a long time. I actually just finished Striaght Up and Dirty. It was wonderful, and exactly what I needed at that moment. Thank you for writing it. And for being so honest. It's funny how people's lives can be so different and yet they can experience so many of the same feelings, worries, excitements, insecurities. Or maybe the feelings ae different but we see others' experiences through our own lense. I don't know. The actual point of my writing here is to say I'm looking forward to reading Moose and would like to recommend San Francisco as a stop on your book tour. I would defintely come :)
May Day totally screams hats, knee highs and potato salad!! You have articulated the images I have held for the past 30 years perfectly.
Oh this just sounds like so much fun! I can only hope that such festivities can be planned for your Chicago arrival! Pops for Champagne, anyone?
You're not coming anywhere near me, but I sincerely hope you have a great tour–it sounds like fun.
And, having read Moose as an ARC, I love the book and will definitely seek out more of your books!
I'm so glad to have learned that you're coming to Nyack! That's just a hour down the road from me and much easier than shlepping into NYC on a weeknight — which, in all honesty, I probably would not have done. June 3 is on my calendar. Looking forward to it!
I'm hosting Stephanie's visit to DePaul in Chicago and would be happy to organize a group to go out for drinks. Stephanie, are you free for drinks on Saturday night? I like the "pops for champagne" suggestion. Any other Chicagoans want to weigh in?
Yay! I'm very excited for you and the whole description of May Day makes me really want to dress up like a girl with ribbons in my hair, instead of hanging out in my sweats looking haggared, drinking black coffee. My look is so NOT Springy, I should work on that.
OMG! I am so excited you will be at the Palisades Mall!! I was planning on heading to NYC but this is only 45 min from me in Brewster!! My old stomping grounds :)
I am a little slow on the uptake sometimes….just saw it on the map today!! YAY!
Can't wait to meet you Stephanie! And just wanted to say again…..what a brilliant cover! Love it! Curious to see what the other options were. You did a great job with it! How cool that you were able to design it yourself.
Your book signing in Miami is on the same day that SATC-the movie premieres. I have a group of girlfriends trying to do both that evening :)
Congrats on the imminent publication!
You MUST come to Vroman's Bookstore in Pasadena,CA for a reading/signing!! It's the best little indy bookstore going. You would LOVE it – and it would give you an excuse to come play in the sunshine.
FROM SK: Yes, I'll be at Vroman's on Tues, June 10, 7pm!
No Portland, OR? Powell's City of books would be perfect…Totally PERFECT!!
Please don't miss Portland, PLEASE!! :)
I will be the guest blogger for for a week. Powell's is great!
I just found your blog, so I am excited! By chance, I picked up one of your books and fell in love with it. Excited about the new one coming out!
I will hopefully be seeing you in Miami! Straight Up and Dirty is my therapy while I am going through a dreaded divorce and life change at 28! You rock Stephanie….can not wait to read Moose!
I will hopefully be seeing you in Miami! Straight Up and Dirty is my therapy while I am going through a dreaded divorce and life change at 28! You rock Stephanie….can not wait to read Moose!