Besides loving to love the birthday girl Kimberly, we were loving the food, and especially the music at Aer. While there, I ran into my ex-boyfriend from the fourth grade. He was a year younger and not allowed to cross “the busy road.” So I rode my bike to his house until his mother phoned me to say he was too young for a girlfriend. Everyone was always too young for me. I suppose that’s why I spent a lot of time alone in my room with my karaoke machine. My love of Peter Cetera probably didn’t help matters much. I still sing with my eyes closed, just not to Karate Kid theme songs. When my pole dance song blares, it’s all over… vanity and awareness fall by the way side. Oh, hell, see for yourself >> or check out what we did the same time last year to celebrate our Kimmy. (Note: clearly, I need new jewelry… and new highlights)

That's pretty tame in comparison to what I witnessed last Friday…
We were celebrating my friend's birthday and someone invited crazy girl. She was on her back doing the crab walk on the dance floor and thrusting her crotch into the air. In a dress.
Drugs are bad m'kay…
When I turned eight. Donny Osmond was my hero. My birthday cake was purple. When my aunt cut the cake, I could see her nipples. What a slut.
That's what I thought of when I read this. Donny Osmond, Purple Cake and Nipples.
How did you do the collage of polaroids? Google has this new program Picasa that you can do it, but I haven't figured it out yet.
Steph, I WAS that kid from 4th grade… sort of… my sophomore year. I dated a girl a year older than me who used to have to come pick me up in her mom's station wagon. That didn't last too long, either, but I certainly liked the High School version, which involved a three-seater instead of a two-wheeler!
That's what I thought of when I read this. Jane, Her Vista Cruiser, and Nipples.
Who is your un-fun beau? He can't seem to muster a smile. I think I saw "blue steel" in there somewhere.
I was just blog hopping and enjoyed reading your site. Thought I'd say hello.
Seriously, do you just know all the most beautiful people on earth or what? I didn't see a single fugly in the bunch. Also, I'm curious about the software or code you use to display your photos. It's very clean.
Have you ever partied with a 13 inch penis?
Agreed Syd.
Happy birthday KG!
Hi there!
I was looking around blog explosion and camr across your blog. Nice stuff, I enjoyed the couple entries I read. Have a good day. :)
This pictures look like Polaroids. Are they I wonder? Or instant digital pictures. Stephanie honey did you know that when the Polaroid-Land Company put out the first instant camera back in the 30's they named it the SX 80? For those who didnt get the idea I guess.
Hey Syd you dont know the half of it! Lots of beautiful people (is is always the case) in this episode of As Stephanie Boozes but unfortunately for us leeches her pal Rachel wasnt in attendence :(
I used Picassa to create that collage. It's a free program you can download from google. Enjoy.
VERY COOL Collage !! it helps when the subjects of your pictures are all beautiful ! and peter cetera .. hahaha (i secretly like him from his chicago, early solo days too)