head between your knees health

I was in a parking lot this morning, head between my legs. I don’t actually think this is supposed to help with fainting, but I think I saw it on the Brady Bunch, or watched my mother do it at some point. I had to pull the car over. I was on the phone with my doctor; blood results were in and I felt the prickling sweat, my stomach rising, head light.

“Well the good news is that your cholesterol is excellent. 186. But.” Here it is. “But your FSH levels are still in the menopausal range. With polycystic ovaries, which is what we thought you had, the FSH levels usually return to normal when treated with birth control. But you’ve been on birth control for the past three months, and your FSH is still in the menopausal range, which isn’t good. Because once menopause happens your bone density goes down hill from there. So, I’m suggesting that you come in for a bone density test, which we normally don’t give until 45 or 50. You’re 36, and we need to see if you’re already…” Then he mentioned something related to osteoporosis. “You told me you’re not trying to have more kids, which is good. Because if you wanted to, you’d probably have to use a donor egg.” What is happening? Why is my body breaking down while I’m so young? My mother didn’t go into menopause until she was 52. “So, we’ll do a bone density test and then likely do hormone replacement therapy, because you really don’t want things going down hill at 36.” No?

May 15, bone density test scheduled followed by a consult, where he’ll likely talk to me about hormone replacement therapy. I am beyond. I don’t even know how to go from there. I am beyond. I’m just trying to breathe, to not faint, to remind myself that it can always be worse. But what I really want to know is what’s causing this? I didn’t realize quite how blessed I was to have these precious children, from my own eggs. I mean, I did, but not in this context.

I call my mother, head still between my knees. The kids in the back seat carrying on, harping out tunes, pushing, hitting, laughing. I tell her. She tells me she wouldn’t do hormone replacement therapy. “I hear it can cause cancer, and you’d be taking it for YEARS. Your grandmother had breast cancer, it’s in your family history; you can’t discount that. I would get a second opinion.”

A second opinion won’t change my FSH levels. “No, but a different doctor might have other suggestions, maybe a change in diet or exercise. I don’t know. Look, people get estimates on their houses, second and third opinions. You should at least do that with your own body.” I hate this.

To top it all off, Lucas is sick with a cough that hacks away until he vomits on the table (just happened again this morning). He can’t go to school like that, even though he has all the energy and wants desperately to play. Worse still, I’ve caught his cold and feel sick and irritable, short tempered, and want to get the fuck away from everyone. But I can’t. Phil is in New York. I have no relief. I want to hide under my covers and pretend this away. Instead, I’ll take Lucas back to the doctor because I can’t take this, hearing him suffer and cough all day. But I know this, at least, is temporary. Menopause at 36 isn’t. How is this happening?

I will also add this. Why, for the love of gravy, do they have to call it ovary FAILURE? I mean how totally negative. No one wants the word FAILURE attached to their identity. Why isn’t it called ovary GRADUATION? And I will try an endocrinologist. As I just said to Dulce over the phone, “I doubt they’re going to tell me anything worse than what I’m now being told, so really, what do I have to lose? It’s like taking the SAT twice. Where only your best score is revealed to schools. So here’s hoping to a better score. I never thought I’d say this, but here’s hoping I become “completely dense” from here on out.



  1. I wish I lived near you (although I wish you lived in Seattle and not FL :) ) so that I could come over and hang out with Lucas and you could have some me-time.

    That news is ROUGH. There’s no sugarcoating it or saying, “Don’t worry, it’ll get better”, so I’ll just say I’m sorry that you got the news that you weren’t wanting or expecting. I definitely think it’s worth seeing someone else (maybe in a sort of alternative therapy way) to see if there’s someone who can put a more positive spin on it for you. It almost sounds like a female doctor would at least give you some mental relief in this situation.

    Anyway, just know that you have unseen and un-met friends that are sending their thoughts and support through the cybersphere to get you through this shock. XOXO

    1. Author

      Thanks so much. I can put on the positive spin: no more periods, and I already have two gorgeous kids, a boy AND a girl at that. I don’t think I’m as upset over the “can’t have children” bit as I am about knowing that there’s something wrong with me. My sister is an acupuncturist. Sadly, I really don’t believe it does anything. I think that’s half of what works… just believing that it works. I’m still in this silent inward quiet shock. Donor egg. I can’t believe I had the conversation with my car door open, in a parking lot, in front of Dunkin’ Donuts.

  2. My mom started getting all the signs of menopause (or rather perimenopause, I guess it’s called?) at my age. (Which is also your age. 36) It terrifies me – especially now that my period has started coming more frequently, I keep wondering… is this perimenopause???

    As for bone density – several studies have shown that yoga helps prevent ostioporosis. It’s all about poses that put weight on your bones (a balance pose, for example) – when you hold the pose for a certain length of time (a minimum of 72 seconds), it triggers your bones to increase their density. http://www.yogajournal.com/lifestyle/393

    Sorry, I know that’s not much in the way of making you feel better – but it’s a resource to make you feel less helpless. :)

    1. Author

      Thanks. I so wish the answer to increasing bone density was sitting on your ass. I can’t help it. I still think endorphins are a lie.

      1. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Bottom line: it totally sucks. I’m with you on the sitting-on-your-ass; I’ve never had any endorphin rush from working out, though Lord knows I’ve tried!

        That said, I took up vinyasa flow yoga last year, and I love it so much I go six days a week. If you’re not a gym lover, I always recommend yoga, because for whatever reason, it seems less like the interminable sessions with treadmills or trainers. Might be worth a shot for you, even if it just clears your mind a little.

        Hang in there, sister!

  3. The Women’s Health Initiative Study was looking at HRT and the effect on hearts was so bad they stopped the study in its tracks. However, I do have friends who are on low doses because they are still getting hot flashes .. at 71 yrs of age. WTF? I slid through the ‘pause and feel lucky

    There’s a lot of info available online, and it’s not an easy equation—but it really boils down to your personal risk with your family history.

    There are all sorts of herbal remedies women use with greater or lesser effects. Good luck, will think good thoughts for you.

    1. Author

      Thanks Carol, but I think the HRT is being recommended to me long term, to prevent bone loss. I have no symptoms of menopause in terms of hot flashes– the only symptom being that I get my period like two to three times a year if not on the pill. I am seriously terrified of this decision. And googling it all just makes me feel like it’s anyone’s guess… not to mention that it makes me want to never leave the house. I am so depressed.

      1. See a specialist. Also know that some of the osteoporosis drugs they give you have side effects. My sister in law had horrible abdominal pains and they did every test known to man for a year–then she happened upon an article that talked about side effects of Boniva–bingo. There are no good answers here but a good specialist who listens to you and works in this area can be a comfort in working out the right stuff. Wishing you the best on this, you are way too young, and it sucks.

        1. Author

          I really am too young, dammit! But I couldn’t help but think just now, as I was putting away 5T clothes for the kids, that my gut instinct was right, to hurry up and have kids. I wanted kids more than I wanted marriage. To the point where I didn’t care if we were married. I just wanted to make a baby. Engaged in November, pregnant by January (but then I miscarried), then pregnant again (before I was married). Because something in me just felt wrong about birth control. I remember telling Phil, “My gut is telling me to stop with the birth control.” And I did, and if this is true, if I have no good eggs left, then that gut really was right, and I have to believe I was meant to hurry up and have those babies. Because I’ve questioned it before this (not questioned having kids) but questioned why I was in such a rush to have them! And now, subconsciously at least, I know why.

  4. What day in your cycle did they take the FSH? If it wasn’t in the first two days, it’s likely inaccurate. They also need to measure estrogen at the same time; the two go hand in hand (like lovers off into the sunset). Don’t despair, and go see an endocrinologist.

    1. Author

      I went to him (no blood drawn) on a Monday, April 23, day 23 of my cycle (which meant I had 2 more nights of active pills to take). I took them on Monday night and Tuesday night.

      Wednesday April 25, no pill (began period)
      Thursday April 26, no pill (have period).
      Friday April 27 no pill (have period, light).
      Saturday April 28, no pill (spotting).
      Sunday April 29, I did NOT start a new pack (maybe minimal spotting). Usually I would begin a new pack on Sunday night.
      Monday, April 30, I got blood drawn Monday morning, which technically, if I were still on the pill, would be night number 2 of taking a new pack of pills. So the blood was drawn after taking no pills for 5 nights (Wed-Sun no pill).

    2. Author

      Last time they said my estrogen was high, which made no sense. I don’t know what it was this time, though if it were high, I think he would have said. Do I call to ask for my numbers? To be emailed to me or something?

      This time they didn’t check for estrogen, not sure why.
      FSH: 34.2
      LH: 13.4

      I am so worried that I can’t function or focus on anything else.

      1. I’m certainly not a dr, but I don’t think your tests are really indicative of anything while you’re on HBC. In any event, they definitely tested your FSH at the wrong time in your cycle. They should have done it on day 3 (day 1 is the first day you bleed). Your LH may suggest PCOS, but it’s hard to say because you’re not ovulating (while on the pill). I really think you should get a second opinion by an RE or endocrinologist. I can’t believe they didn’t test your estrogen. I’d ignore these numbers. Also, aren’t you already basically on hrt because you’re on the pill? I think all your dr did was scare you! For no good reason! You need a complete blood work up done. And, everyone is right about the weight-bearing exercises and bone density.

        1. Author

          If the first day of my cycle is the first day I bleed, then they tested my FSH on day 6. I’m not really sure where I was in my cycle the last time they tested my blood (because I was so irregular, hardly got period). That last time, by the way, was in January, when they said, “Your thyroid is normal, your prolactin level is normal. You’re estrogen level is high. And your FSH is in the menopausal range, which does not make sense. Your LH is very high.” So he put me on ten days of provera, and I had my period February 5 – 17 (longass time – he said that was okay, considering how long it had been since I had a period). Then he recommended I begin with HBC (Hormonal Birth Control, for those playing along at home), just so the lining of my uterus doesn’t build up, to bring on a period. So he prescribed Lo LoEstrine FE as my birth control.

          This time they didn’t test my estrogen which doesn’t make sense. Because if my estrogen is still high, then doesn’t that mean something different than menopause?

          And thank you Marna!

  5. Almost 10 years ago (when I was 46) I was told I had osteopoenia, which is the beginning of osteoporosis. At the time I exercised, but mostly spin classes and elliptical. Doing weight bearing exercise can reverse it. I started lifting weights and doing cardio such as step class with some impact. I had another test about 4 years ago and the results were normal bone density. Think twice before taking hormones. I also started taking calcium citrate.

  6. I’ll be thinking of you while I’m chilling in my doctor’s waiting room May 15. My appt. is for the super-fun convulsions I had this Mon. I’m 30 with no history of seizures. I share your sense of WTF?! Try not to drive yourself crazy googling in the meantime, and I hope you get some good news!

  7. I’ve never been through anything like this and have no medical experience in this area. I just wanted to say that I am keeping you in my thoughts and I hope for a positive outcome soon.

    Best of luck as you navigate this difficult journey.

  8. Damn, Steph, that isn’t at all what we wanted to hear. I don’t know anything about it, but am sending courage, strength and good healing thoughts your way. Hugs from here.

    As an aside, gbh, not to freak anyone out, but please check out the warning signs for Long QT (a genetic heart condition that is TREATABLE, but sometimes is misdiagnosed as a seizure disorder). http://www.StopSADS.org, there is a risk assessment there too.

  9. I know exactly what you are going through — I went through it at 39 which was so upsetting for me. I went on HRT b/c my doctors said that I am took young to be without the hormones I needed. My FSH was much higher than yours, however. By the way, some acupuncturists swear that they can reduce your FSH levels and knock you out of menopause. Acupuncture did not work for me, but it has for some people…

  10. Hi Stephanie,
    I am 50 years old and found out I was menopausal when I was 33. I have been on HRT since I was 35. I resisted going on HRT for 2 years. In my 20’s I went through some infertility issues, one of them being Polycystic Ovaries, that was found when I had an exploratory laproscope. I have 2 children; a boy, 20 years, and a girl, 19 years.

    Someone here suggested that you see an endocrinologist and I agree. I now have a couple of autoimmune diseases that effect other hormone levels.

    I don’t want to scare you further. I think of myself as a very healthy person, and looking at me you would never think that I have any health issues. (My bones are still in good shape, and I probably am about the same build as you, just a bit heavier (5’5″, 135 lbs))

    Don’t let your imagination run wild, you can deal with whatever comes!
    Best Wishes!

  11. I lost all — I mean ALL — my girl organs plus a few more parts to ovarian cancer last summer. I’m good now. (Yay!)

    I take HRT — one little lavender pill a day. I did get a second opinion before starting, and if you include that of my good MD friend (rad-onc) who was with me through the whole shebang, I got three opinions. It made me feel lots less nervous.

    Hoping you find the same peace, regardless of what you ultimately decide.

  12. The only opinion I would trust on this is one that comes from an endocrinologist (or a repro endo specifically).

  13. As someone who has been through absolute HELL with my hormones, and has been on hormone replacement therapy since I was 17 (now 44) due to a genetic abnormality, I feel your pain in trying to sort all this out. I agree with those above who said a re-do on the bloodwork is in order, as well as a visit to an endocrinologist.

    The best advice I can give you is to make your medical decisions with your HEAD, not your emotions. I made a medical decision out of sheer frustration last year and it ended up being a very bad decision!

    My thoughts and prayers are with you through this challenge. I know you can handle this, and I know you will get this sorted out, and SOON!

  14. Oh gosh Stephanie, I am so very sorry that you have to go through this, this must be so hard.

    For what it’s worth, I just recently read (again) about the link between the consumption of animal proteins (yes, dairy too!) and osteoporosis, and I vowed to cut down my already minimal dairy consumption to almost-zero (I am vegetarian already – for a number of reasons).
    I don’t think you’re gonna like this idea more than exercise – but maybe give “The Food Revolution” by John Robbins and Dean Ornish a read and see what you think? It all sounds a bit “alternative” still, but I believe these guys (and a rapidly increasing number of very respectable researchers such as T. Colin Campbell who wrote “The China Study”) are onto something with their critical view of our high consumption of animal proteins, and its negative effects on our health.

    I don’t know about your diet – but maybe it’s also useful to look into how the hormones consumed in meat (residues of the growth hormones administered to livestock) can disrupt hormonal balances in humans; they cause early puberty in many young girls, and I’ve also read about early menopause being attributed to it.

    Definitely get more opinions – a second, a third? Maybe consult doctors with a variety of approaches e.g. a naturopathic doctor too, just for good measure?

    I sometime, somewhere read the sentence “never forget that 50% of doctors graduate at the bottom half of their class” – and I think of that often when I hear of a doctor making a quick verdict and a just as quick prescription.

    Wishing you a lot of strength on this journey!

    1. Author

      Thanks so much, Alexandra. I live off Greek yogurt, so it the no dairy thing would be a huge adjustment, but that’s just it… the initial adjustment is hard until it becomes a new way of life. I’m not there yet, but thanks.

  15. Stephanie, this is not that unusual, although a shock. If your bone density levels are OK, I’d hold off on the HRT, really. I agree with your mom. : )

  16. I dont have any advice, I havent been in your shoes. Dont know anyone else going thru what your going thru. So I offer a hug thru the web and a prayer too. Ive read you forever and think of you as a friend. So I offer to you all the love and support I would offer them. xoxoxo

  17. So sorry to hear this. I have been through many medical abnormalities in my life, but dealing with wacky hormones was by FAR the most confusing process I’ve been through. I count myself as a fairly intelligent person, but for the life of me, I never could get a full handle on the overall picture of my hormones. I went into menopause at at 27, before I had kids. I’ve been on HRT ever since. It sucks. Its not fun. the best thing I can advise is getting a doctor you really trust. When something is so complicated, it is so important to have a doctor you truly trust, to give you sound advice. My heart goes out to ya, and I sure wish I, like you, had listened to my gut at 25, which told me to have kids NOW. And I totally feel you on the “I’m not old enough!!” When did 30 become the new 60, am I right?! Best of luck….

  18. I’m going to chime in because I did 4 cycles of IVF and know all about FSH levels and hormones. They should test your FSH on cycle day #2 or 3, not 6. My hormones were so out of wack they never thought I would get pregnant and I’m currently 6 months pregnant. The ONLY thing that helped was weekly acupunture sessions with a FERTILITY ACUPUNCTURIST ONLY and drinking her special tea every week. It works. I was a total skeptic until I started going to her. I saw a dramatic change. I also stopped dairy during this time. It was hard, but now I can’t eat the greek yogurt i was so addicted to. I eat almond milk yogurt and drink almond milk. Good luck to you. Please try accupuncture, I think you’ll really be surprised. it takes a few months to work, but it does work!

    1. Author

      I’ve heard this from several friends who suddenly got pregnant after going gluten-free and doing acupuncture. So, I guess I’m open to it. It’s odd because I don’t want to get pregnant. I just don’t want to have to go on hormone replacement therapy unnecessarily.

  19. I really identify with this post today. I’m 33 years old, and today I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I realize people can develop this disease at any age. But still, arthritis at 33? At this rate, what is 50 going to look like? Suck.

  20. I second the recommendation to see a naturopath. Synthetic hormones may not be your only answer. Good luck to you with everything!

  21. Stephanie, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. If I lived near you I would go with you to appointments and take notes for you. Sending a big hug your way.

    Also want to join the acupucture chorus. I lost my right ovary five weeks before our wedding due to a benign tumor. I started acupucture then in hopes of balancing hormones and conceiving a baby ASAP (I had the same gut feeling at 31 that I needed to have babies right away). It was incredibly helpful both in getting me pregnant and keeping me sane. I also cut out dairy. Now our daughter is 7 months old and I’m back with the acupuncturist to hopefully bring on baby number two in the next year. There’s a LOT that they can do hormonally and I think it’s worth a shot.

    Also, by all means get a second opinion with an RE!


  22. I know you express doubt about acupuncture.
    I hope you don’t mind me sharing my experience and I was not a believer before this.

    I had neurosurgery on my arm and a few years later, I was in extreme pain again. I was so desperate and I did not want to go back to the surgeon that I went to an acupuncturist. He changed my life, I was able to live again with no pain.

    About five years ago,I started having really bad headaches, crippling. Went and had a CAT scan which revealed nothing. The left side of my face was going numb and they couldn’t find anything wrong. Again, I turned to acupuncture. She not only cured the headaches and facial numbness but straightened out my cycle and helped cure a few other female problems I was having. Also she suggested some dietary changes which I’m sure played a part too. So it might be worth a try?

  23. we really need to be our own health advocates – i know when you last posted about this commentators mentioned the day of your cycle and how important this is to accurate results – day 3 is ideal for estrogen levels. and yet, it looks like this time they still did not do this? it infuriates me that they could handle your health this way.

    i have zero trust for most of the medical field, for a variety of reasons that would make this post FAR TOO LONG. but as women, we need to know our bodies, we need to know what day one is, we need to research before tests and we need to keep our options open. please get a second opinion, see a specialist, and try not to worry until the right tests are done on the right days, by the right people.

    a doctor once had us thinking my 13 year old sister had leukemia b/c of messing up her blood test after she suffered abnormal menstrual bleeding. seriously. leukemia. after a few minutes with a hematologist our worries were thrown out the window, it was a clerical error.

    and for gbh – i too suffered a convulsion out of the blue. i had an unprovoked grand mal seizure in august of 2010, 6 weeks before my wedding. my doctor had zero interest in discovering why, prescribed medication (mind numbing, fattening medication) while sending me for a series of EEGs month after month. turns out – one seizure in adults is not enough for a diagnosis (with a normal EEG) and it is typically NOT treated with medication. i found this out on my own while my neurologist continued to site studies about children with epilepsy, when i asked if he had any info on adults who suffered from a single seizure, he said no. i never went back. and i’ve had no subsequent seizures.

    end rant – sorry stephanie! what i’m trying to say is hang in there – until you have a specialist’s take on this medical issue, try not to worry too much, i will never again busy myself with worry based on a single opinion of a medical professional out to write prescriptions. if i did, i’d be dead from the anxiety by now i’m sure.

    take care.

  24. I just wanted to chime in one more time and say what a great group of women you have as fans/friends…. I’m 34, not having any fertility issues *yet*, but it’s so nice to know that if I do, there are loving/caring women out there that will so readily offer advice, wisdom and support.

    I hope today is a better day for you than the last two days, Stephanie. XOXO

  25. Definitely get a second opinion on HRT, if only for peace of mind. I mainly wanted to say, Mother Nature is a motherf^&er. I am the youngest of three girls, my oldest sister started going through menopause at 36 she is 54 now, my middle sister has no signs/symptoms and she is now 48, I am 41 and also have no signs or symptoms. Who knows how these things work. I started to worry when my oldest sister went through menopause at such a young age, I thought it might be because she never had children, much like myself, but from what I have read, and apparently you as an example, there is no correlation.

  26. I’m not a doctor, so what I’m about to say is just a matter of opinion. However, my first question would be, are you eating a lot of soy products? tofu? According to my doctor, you shouldn’t have more than two servings of soy (including soy milk) per week and its related to the estrogen level being higher.

    About acupuncture: I thought it was a load of bull too, until my dad (who also thought it didn’t work) had a bad shoulder injury and tried it on the recommendation of someone. He’s now addicted to it. He also like cupping (I think that’s what its called?) – with the suction cup stuff, which is done by the acupuncturist. Surprisingly, it’s really helped his injury. I have no idea if it would help you though.

    Finally: yoga. I hate the gym; I’m more of a sports work out kind of person, but my friend convinced me to come and now I’m addicted. I go twice a week (I’d go more if my schedule allowed it). It’s amazing for relaxing and not focusing on anything else. And, it’s amazing for toning. I’ve also heard about it being good for women and bone density. You really aren’t sitting on your ass – like pilates, your body will feel it the next day and an hour won’t make you want to shoot yourself. I’d try it, even if its only for your sanity. Plus, they have kids yoga too, so the twins might like to do it with you.

    I hope it gets better. Best wishes!

  27. I was just thinking about your love of Greek yogurt. I am/was a dairy FREAK. The whole time I was pregnant, I LIVED off of milk, yogurt, cottage cheese and ice cream. I’ve been working on pulling all animal products out of my diet. I’ll be the first to say that there are very few things that will be completely comparable to your beloved dairy. BUT, if you are really serious about giving it a shot to see if it’ll help with your condition, there are some great substitutions out there…I’ve really gotten a lot of satisfaction by making smoothies with my Vitamix. They are basically milkshakes and I use delicious almond milk, hemp milk or coconut milk and frozen bananas (+ spinach/kale for extra health) to get that creamy texture and I down 16 oz smoothies, it fills me up and satiates that dairy desire. For Greek yogurt, there are options…(again, nothing that will be the same as what you love, but you MIGHT be able to retrain your taste buds!). Here are a couple:

    or DIY (and you don’t have to use soy, you can use hemp, which I like better!): http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2007/09/greek-style-soy-yogurt-or-soy-yogurt.html

    Anyway, this might not be that interesting to you since I’m sure your internet research is taking you more down the HRT path than making non-dairy yogurts ;) , but if you DO want to try, there are a TON of amazing sites like http://www.ohsheglows.com or http://www.greenlemonade.com that have delicious dairy-free recipes and inspirations that could take your mind off the medical part.

    Still thinking about you and hoping that you’re surrounded by a support system in FL right now! XOXO

  28. Sorry about the bad news, Stephanie. There was this same story line on The Closer (Kyra Sedgewick) Early onset menopause. Though there isn’t much humor to be found in it, this episode had its moments and it may make you feel a little better or at least provide a distraction. Hugs.

  29. Stephanie,

    I agree with others that you should see a specialist, but I would first let your doctor perform the bone density test. That way, when you see the specialist, you will already have testing to help determine which path you should take. If it were me, I would see an endocrinologist, preferably one that has experience with younger women and bone loss. I would also see if you could find a support group of younger women and bone loss on the internet.

    I had a hysterectomy at your age and was on hormone replacement therapy until this past July, when I was yanked off (thank you very much, hello hot flashes!) it due to changing migraine headaches and the thought I might have stroke-like symptoms. I went on the hormones right after surgery and don’t regret a minute of it. Actually, now a lot of my friends are starting with the hot flashes too, so I guess it’s the right time. I know that 12 years is a long time to be on HRT but my doctors were okay with it. I don’t have any family history of cancer of any sort so that was a plus. One of the reasons I was kept on HRT was because I had the beginning stages of osteoporosis, osteopenia, only a year after my surgery, and I lost a quarter inch in height in a year.

    If you and your husband decide you want another baby, you can find donor eggs rather easily. My friend just had her second baby last year (she was 47 then), and I know they used donor eggs. She did great and can probably run circles around women half our age. Just something to keep in mind.

    Good luck, and I will think healing thoughts and keep you in my prayers.

  30. I read somewhere that it’s now 1 in 20 that have early menopause. I’ve had a cycle since 9 and now I’m 30. I think about it sometimes, but my mom didn’t finish menopause till she had a hysterectomy. She was fed up with her period at 60.

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