PHIL: I love marketing as much as the next guy but you see that?
PHIL: The Walgreens electric billboard. "Scott toilet paper $1.49. six rolls"
PHIL: Someone decided the best way to get people into the store was to lure them with discounted toilet paper! Who drives by the billboard and thinks "I have no toilet paper left and Walgreens has a 20 cent off special on the single ply. I have to stop here."
STEPHANIE: Lucas, want more chicken?
A YEAR AGO: How Young Can I Go Without Being Considered a Pervie?
2 YEARS AGO: Fat Bitch
5 YEARS AGO: Laws of Attraction

What are they thinking? Twenty cents off isn't worth it for ONE ply!
guess you're not feeling very inspired?
So, I guess you guys don't need to shop the sales?
I love finding toilet paper on sale because, one, I am broke, and two, who wants to pay full price for something as boring and necessary as toilet paper?
I've seen Walgreens flash "Medicaid Accepted Here" and think no one that old can read that damn thing as it zooms by.
But I bet if the ticker read "Easter Candy HALF OFF!" there'd be a stampede.
Actually, the sign probably would remind me that I need toilet paper because (a) no one else is in the house to remind me or buy any, and (b) a bargain's a bargain. And then? I would buy a jillion cheap nailpolishes or somesuch.
Maybe this is a class thing and I'm missing it down here?
How is Phil doing?
Jodie's comment made me laugh.
I would pull over for TP on sale. Unless I had to make a left turn in order to do so.
Jody that's funny.
And SK don't feel obligated to post if you aren't 'feeling it' on our account:)
And I don't get the 'Lucas do you want chicken' bit. Just like I didn't get the tiger cheese grater thing from a few days ago.