thank you

It was one of those things my parents had to remind me to say with "What do you say, Stephanie?" It’s not that I forgot the words or my manners when my grandparents presented me with Rainbow Brite for Hannukah. Sometimes "thank you" seemed too small a gesture for the act, but mostly I’d stumble with gratitude because it meant accepting things. Receiving.  Admitting that someone made me happy, made things easier, that it was harder, or not as much fun, without them.

Thanking people, on some level, admits something softer. It concedes that you’re vulnerable, in need or actually appreciative for something you wanted. It’s kinda balls-to-the wind scary having to thank people because it can disclose not only what you value but what you want and what you need, especially when you spend so much of your time concealing such obvious pursuits, however unwitting.


Thank you to the Barnard women who organized events and cocktail hours in my honor, to the people who showed up but were turned away because they couldn’t accommodate the crowd (I’m so sorry), and to all the volunteers in each city who arrived early, very early, who cut Miles of Chocolate, who baked cupcakes, lots of cupcakes! (Petite Treats in Dallas), for soliciting raffle prizes like hotel rooms, spa products, and massages. For always waiting until the end of the event, and for all the effort you put in before it even began. For keeping me company on the road, for getting a babysitter, for driving over four hours to meet with me for just a few minutes, for the one on one moments where you shared your lives (and pregnancy news) with me, for talking me into buying a pair of leggings, despite how long I’ve resisted the trend. Thank you.

Photos from the road are here, and if you have your own photos from any of the events, be sure to add them >>



  1. Stephanie,

    I just finished reading Moose. So, so wonderful. I loved every minute of it, even when it made me cringe or made my heart catch in my chest. Thank you for writing such a lovely book. And just like after I read Straight Up and Dirty I'm left wanting something more, more of your words. You gave me an appetite.

  2. Stephanie,

    I want to say my own thank you. I met you at Torrid in the Palisades Mall the day after my father died. I still wanted to go and meet you even though I was so sad. I wanted to continue with my life and somehow keep looking forward to things. I was very much looking forward to meeting you.

    You were very kind and friendly to me welcoming me with a hug and spending a few minutes to chat. Something I never expected. I was so glad you had the time to do that, that you took the time. You listened when I shared my loss with you even though I was a stranger to you. But with you I never felt that way.

    I thank you for your supportive words and again let me say that I am so glad to have met you!

    You are a very special person and I wish you much success, happiness, and most of all good health always….

  3. I know the mall signings weren't the biggest hit for you, but I was definitely thankful for your time and conversation. It was also cool to be able to share my "news". Looks like the rest of the tour went well- You deserve it!

  4. Hi Stephanie,
    Love all the pics. I'm sure you get tired of hearing how gorgeous your hair is, but I'll say it again. You sure have met lots of great people on your tour. Wonderful memories for you to keep. I'm still reading Moose & loving it. I don't want to read it too quickly because then it will be over.

  5. So glad to meet you in DC. You were charming and beautiful. I'm inspired!

  6. Miami was sooooo much fun! Now me and my girlfriends are rereading Straight Up And Dirty. Loved Moose.

  7. I am so sad you didn't make it to Philadelphia, but with the three homicides that took place this weekend who could blame you..I love your writing, adore your books and eagerly await the third!

    BTW, is that girl in the white eyelet dress a friend of yours or just a random? Her dress is fab and I want to know where she bought it. Me likey.

    FROM SK: Yes, she's one of my best friends, and she got the dress from one of my all-time fav designers: miguelina

  8. I'm in Witchita and wished you'd come do a reading here. No one comes to Witchita except John Mellencamp and Brooke Hogan. Blech!

  9. It was amazing to meet you too! I'm half way thru Moose and thouroughly enjoying it. The rest of the legging outfit is in the works, be in touch soon.

  10. You know how athletes do that, what do they call it, positive visualization? I see myself shining like a copper-headed penny, smiling for a snap in rows of books, sitting behind a wobbly table, cracking a spin to scribble, but taking care to ensure the name is clear. Thanks for sharing the experience.

  11. I really enjoyed meeting you and getting to be the Pasadena volunteer! I was so flattered when you looked at my red hair and said we could almost pass as sisters. As a former ballet dancer, reading of everyones obsession with food at fat camp(especially at night) really resonated with me. While training with the SAB, I'd sneak out to the kitchen in the middle of the night to eat a bagel (and feel so guilty!). Thankfully, now, I can do that whenever I want.

  12. It was so wonderful to see you at B&N in Manhasset! You are a beautiful and talented young woman. And — I was so thrilled to see your beautiful babies there as well!
    I recognized Phil immediately from photos on your website (PS: he is even better-looking in person!) and took the liberty of introducing myself as I was leaving. Please let him know how gracious and welcoming he was! I was so embarrased that I was not able to afford to buy your book that night; I was laid-off a month ago and times are really tough. (Living on "the Gold Coast" of Long Island doesn't help, either!)

    Anyway, please let Phil know I did exactly what he suggested: I took the book out of library. I was the very first person to read the Port Washington's library copy. (In fact, I reserved it before it has even arrived.) I loved it!!!

    This is getting way too long, but I had to tell you what a joy it was to be able to be there that night. And–as soon as I get a new job, I want to buy both Moose and Straight Up…and I would love to have you sign them.

    Wishing you and your beautiful family much love and happiness always!

  13. The pictures are fantastic! I must ask, where did you get the brown tank top with the ivory lace trim?


  14. Hi Stephanie,
    I met you at the Pasadena signing (front row, first on line) and I just wanted to tell you I finished Moose yesterday, and LOVED it! I had read the first half all last week, and spent the best Sunday in bed yesterday reading the second half. When it was done I wanted to read it again! I'm so thrilled to have met you and can't wait for the next book to come out!

  15. Stephanie, I, too, was at the Pasadena reading and I want to thank you for touching my life. I did a little tribute to you on my blog, but I'm clearly not in your class as far as writing goes.

  16. Thank you for doing the tours. It was fun seeing you again, Phil and the beautiful beans! You're very gracious and yet relatably raw and real. I do wish I could have helped out with everything more but now realize I was nuts — running a one-woman marketing dept at a start up company, just closing that day on selling my house and moving — all on my own. I guess I was excited at the thought of having time to contribute and help you. Sorry if I let y'all down. Still a fan and friend wishing you the best of everything!!!

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