Each time I begin, I cry. There’s so much to say, things that begin with “thank you” and include both “overwhelmed” and “overjoyed.” I’m warmed, genuinely moved, by all the comments and support here. It’s a time when blogging really makes me step outside myself and realize how powerful human communication, and even prayer, can be, especially with people we don’t know. It’s amazing. I receive thousands of emails from people thanking me for my book, my blog, my ability to put myself out there. But really, it’s my turn. Thank you, seriously, for this outpouring. It isn’t just warm; it’s extraordinary, and I am so so thankful. I have plenty to write and express beyond just this thank you. I’ve been trying to keep a journal, but when you’re living in moments, sometimes it’s hard to find quiet ones that don’t involve sleep or my breasts. Please be patient. I promise many more photos in the coming days (this is one of me with Lucas today practicing our “Kangaroo Care”). Soon there will be photos of my redheaded daughter Abigail, too, along with detailed accounts of our little beans. I just don’t know where to start.

That picture is absolutely beautiful! COngratulations, and good luck on your new adventure!
Wow Stephanie, he is so sweet. You and Phil are a family now, congratulations. XoX
Congratulations. What a sweet, sweet picture! Warmest wishes to the whole family!
Stephanie, I read Phil's post several times the other day and found myself crying as I read this post tonight. I am so happy that you're able to hold your little ones. Like everyone else who is reading your blog, I will of course continue to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. May all four of you find strength in each other. Many congratulations and mazel tovs to you all.
Stephanie & Phil,
Congratulations on the arrival of your children. I wish you the very best!!! The babies will be home before you know it.
Know all of us that you share your life with are here for you! You're most certainly in my thoughts and prayers!
Good lord, that is a very cute little boy.
I just started to cry as I reread your post and soaked in the words "redheaded daughter." I am so, so happy for you all. If the strength, warmth, compassion, and humor I've observed in you from your writing is any indication, you are going to be a wonderful mom. Lucas and Abigail are lucky.
I took one look at that picture and tears started down my cheeks! Admittedly, the same happened when I read Phil's post the other day but I thought that was just because I was so blown away by his generosity to all of us. I have never posted but always read your comings & goings and I would have to say that this is your best work yet!!!
Congratulations and all my thoughts & prayers are with you and your new and improved family.
my son was born more than three years ago weighing just 1 pound, 15 ounces. today he is an amazing kid, normal height and weight and smart as anything. I guess those are the kinds of things i wanted to know when he was in the nicu–that someone could survive this abrupt of a beginning and that someone could be 'normal' afterward. it doesn't mean every preemie is, or that if he wasn't i wouldn't have loved him, but i needed hope and reality. i've done a lot of work in preemie cirlces since, and have seen and heard so many miraculous stories. preemies are fighters, and in the end, I believe grow into the most amazing souls. i'm also a longtime reader/lurker and first-time poster. i have so much I would love to share with you, about what i've learned and experienced. I thought we had a lot in common before this, and never moreso than now. Anyway, it sounds like you have plenty of people offering help, advice, etc. but if you ever want to talk to someone, just say the word. Congratulations!
amazing photograph.
we're all here with crossed fingers and good thoughts.
take your time.
*gentle hug!*
Wow, Stephanie. I didn't expect you to post anything for some time, but I keep coming back to check anyway.
The very, very best to you guys.
Remember to take a picture of the tiny babies next to a comparative object, like a king sized Snicker bar or something. Once they are five and lording over their Kindergarten class with their twin-ness (trust me!), it will be hard to remember how really itsy-bitsy they were.
Oh…I'm just overwhelmed by the beautiful picture of you and your little guy – really and truly, my prayers & best wishes.
Absolutely the most wonderful picture…a true miracle of life. That photo speaks a thousand words that you haven't said. Thank you for sharing it with all of us. Congratulations on your two precious blessings.
this picture gives me chills… mazel tov and many good thoughts to your family.
Thank you for sharing this precious photo. Continue to know that there are so many, many people sending love/positive vibes/prayers to your family.
no no no.. thank you. for your words and for your passion amongst many other things. i read this blog nearly daily but have never commented. reading this post and seeing the photo gave me chills. you have so much love to give from your children as well as so much to receive, and it's a beautiful, beautiful thing. i'm nowhere close to being a mom, but i can appreciate the amazing warmth that being a mom must bring to you and your partner and friends and family. cherish that. hold onto that. i'm sure there's no other gift like that of a child. take care and all the best! wishing you love, health, and balance.
a beautiful start . . . what an extraordinary photo! truly amazing, and I look forward to continuing to share in your unimaginable journey into motherhood, and seeing more photos. whenever you are ready, we will all be here for you as you have been here for us.
No, thank YOU….Thank you for your wonderful husband that took the time out of this moment to write to all of us (who are waiting patiently, all on the edge of our seats)…Thank you to YOU for sharing this precious photo of you and your beautiful son…a special "moment" captured for us to share with you….Thank you for letting us know that all is okay with you and your new family, (and for telling us about the red hair….I.LOVE.IT.)…and thank you for thanking us….I know it's a little mushy, but you fill our hearts everyday by what you share, and I think it speaks volumes about who you are to "pause" what you are going through right now (life)…and feeding us our crumbs along the way…
God Bless YOU and your beautiful new troop!!!
congratulations on the birth of your children! your son is beautiful! i am sure that both of your children have inherited your strong will and your zest for life. your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
No really..thank you Stephanie!!!
this is beautiful
Oh, Stephanie, take your time. We're just glad that you are alright, that the babes are getting stronger everyday.
You look totally great in that photo, by the way. Like a happy mother.
Godspeed to you and yours.
that picture is beautiful. and i wish you many more precious moments with phil and your babies. we're all keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
God bless and keep you all safe and healthy. Thank you, Stephanie, for letting us share in your joy. He's beautiful as is his sister I bet. Rest up and know that prayers will continue to be sent for all of you.
Gratuliere zu den schönen Babies! Beste Wünsche und alles Liebe aus dem Land deiner Vorfahren (Congratulations to your beautiful babies. best wishes and love from the country of your ancestors – Austria)
My best-friends twins were also born prematurely, and I remember how teeny they were. It's amazing, how beautiful and full of life such a little person can be. I'm so happy for you guys, and the health of the little one's is in my thoughts. *mwaaaaaah*
stephanie and phil–congratulations on the birth of your two beautiful children. your strength is truly inspring and i wish nothing but wonderful things for you. your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
This picture MELTS my heart! That teeny tiny baby– I can't wait to hear stories of these bundles of joy as they grow!
You amaze me
Still sending you my thoughts and prayers!
Moved to tears in London. What a gorgeous photo. Sending prayers to you, Phil, and the little ones! Congratulations!
I have to admit that i read Phil's post about 6 times, and was hoping for a picture. I have just arrived into work and checked your blog. All I can say is congratulations! I have read your blog for 2 years, and have been looking forward to this happening. It is only the beginning. And redheaded daughter!! You have everything you ever wanted!!!
Beautiful picture.
Take your time and enjoy every moment
Congratulations!! best wishes to the whole family:)
All the way from Southern Africa, may God and your ancestors bless and protect you.
All the way from Southern Africa, may God and your ancestors bless and protect you all.
What an amazing picture…congratulations! You deserve all the happiness and blessings you've received. :)
Steph & Phil, mazel tov to you both and your wonderful babies. I know you'll have your hands full, but its worth every minute. I'll speak with you guys soon.
I, too, have been checking back and hoping for a photo. What a precious little boy. I am so thrilled for you and your husband.
Another reader who has never posted…
Reading this and the last entry, I was awed by the love that actually oozed through the dsl wires of the internet.
It is a blessing to us readers to be able to share in your joy. And I feel blessed to be able to share in this part of your life.
Thank you Phil and Stephanie for sharing this with all of us–it brings joy into our lives. And joy is a precious thing.
Blessings, luck, good wishes, and mazel tov to ya'll.
This is such a beautiful picture. Lucas and Abigail are two lucky babies.
Thank you for taking the time, in the midst of everything, to keep in touch with all of us.
I just have to say it again…
Seeing your handsome son Lucas' hand wrapped around your finger makes my heart stop in my chest and has tears coursing down my face; I am so overwhelmed. Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for taking the time to show us a picture Stephanie. Like everyone else I cannot wait to see more. Absolutely gorgeous!
Of all the photos you've ever posted, this one has to be the most beautiful one yet. I know how overwhelming it is to undergo childbirth under "the best" of circumstances, but after your ordeal – times two, no less, the fact that you took the time to post shows yet again how truly remarkable you are. THANK YOU!! And, WOW…"red headed daughter!" That's the icing on the cake! Her middle name is really perfect (a "red" name for a red head). It amazes me how happy I can be for someone whom I have never met. I've been thinking about your new family and wishing you all the best. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you. BTW, if you are too tired to post, which is completely understandable, we loved hearing from Phil. Just a suggestion to ease the pressure.
What a beautiful photograph. You look beautiful. I am so excited for you having a red-headed daughter. I am sure you are exhausted and your post thanking "us" is all the sweeter. A and L lucked out in the parent department, but I am sure you and Phil feel the same way about them.
Stephanie & Phil,
I've been a fan of Stephanie's since Greek Tragedy but I've been a fan of Phil since he entered her life. Congrats on Lucas and Abigail. Stunning.
And we cry with you, tears of concern, joy, unknown challenges, and daily victories. Baby
steps. Phil and Stephanie, thank you for sharing this most private time, with your unknown blog friends. We unite to send you strength and prayers. Your lives have forever changed, and our lives you have touched. Phil, make sure Stephanie takes time to sleep…Stephanie, make sure Phil takes time to sleep too! Much love,
Congratulations on your beautiful babies! I just started reading your blog. I bought Straight Up and Dirty and devoured it. It touched me because it hit home. Your book just said it all for me and made me feel not so alone in my emotions. Thank you for your courage, your honesty, your humor and insight. I wish nothing but the best for you and your new family.
That is a picture of love.
So happy for your family!
The picture of both of you is just amazing. I can't wait to see your redheaded daughter, too. All the best for your whole family, Anne
He is just perfect!! SO small but also, so very perfect! He looks totally content. Can't wait to see all the photos and read what words you can find to talk about everything. xx