If it were a basketball court, we’d be in the paint. We’re at Stone Rose, in the thick of the action, because Stone Rose is all men, and we’re definitely all women. I’m with my rosy ladies clicking glasses, linking arms, and being cheeky… ‘cause we’re good at cheeky. They’re out of Riesling, and their Sauvignon Blanc is from California. How drab. Options are weighed as we finger cokctail menus.
Big Apple Martinis remind me of skittles. You ate enough of them as a kid, and your saliva became a thick viscous string you released from your mouth until it nearly kissed the ground, then you’d suck it back in. Don’t lie. You did too. I’m a “fun with wine” or “whiskey why not” girl: Jack and Ginger (Jack Daniels with Ginger Ale).
Eyebrows have been raised when I mention the whiskey. Here’s the rub: whiskey is smokin’. Songs and smells have the ability to transport. I know the smell of camp (grass), middle school (glue), and sex (whiskey). One of my ex’s drank whiskey on the rocks, then we’d fcuk. I’m the salivating dog; whiskey is my bell.
Friends have come in and out of my life like busboys in a restaurant. The good ones, though, they’re always there. Time goes, but you know you can pickup and continue as if those years were mere moments. Jeff is my “no time at all.” He’s my knitting, my bicycle ride, and my smile. He’s everything that comes naturally, even if you think you’ve forgotten. He’s there, at Stone Rose, and I’m in bliss. I’m happier than I’ve been in a long, long time. Jeff has a liquid loving laugh that lights me up. Every. Single. Time. This photo of our hello makes me so happy (and no, we’re not making out. It’s called a hug with too much hair.) It’s better than whiskey, and on par with my girls.
View more photos from a night out with the girls >>
(then take a look at these)
Photos from “Fun with Wine” >>

1- You gotta' invite me to one of these outings, just to reduce the men in suits quotient. They're too banker — more rocknroll!
2- Am I precluded for endeavoring towards kissing one of your beautiful friends? Grrrr.
While Stone Rose may not have had the right wine, fate had dipped its quill into the sweetest of wines when it wrote the verses that arranged for you to share a pleasant evening with good friends. When you get the urge to write a melancholy posting, I hope the verses below will remind you of the evening at Stone Rose, and the soul-satisfying hug from Jeff.
Beauty Wears Not A Mask
My incomparable Stephanie,
not all thieves are to be cursed,
for blessed is the one who stole your mask.
Many a woman’s mask may be fashioned after Beauty,
but, Beauty, wears not a mask or even a jeweled veil, my fairest flower.
So why the tears and the curses?
Many a vain man imagines himself as having sight
but it’s no more than the blind instinct of a demon knight.
Why the tears and the curses incomparable Beauty?
Wasn’t it enough to have known one blind demon,
a blind, demon thief with tasteless lust for a chain?
Surely, it is better to lose many a jeweled mask,
than to be recognized by blind chained demons.
For now, and only to humor you,
I’ll concede that Fate’s quill wrote a word
or two with bitter vinegar as its ink.
But with time, you’ll recognize that all the verses of your life
are being written boldly, generously with the sweetest of wines.
Congratulatons on the well deserved publicity and esteem.
The one who is two-faced and an asshole is the one who should feel 'dirty.' Red may not be my best color, but it would never stop me from wearing my heart–there is only one–on my sleeve.
I am saddened to read that Sam didn't pick you up at home, that he was so quick to initiate physical contact, and that he checked his email as soon as he came into your home. An auspicious encounter in the falafel shop had an anti-climactic ending, as far as I am concerned. And what's with the leaving after you had been so warm and hospitable? I hope he sent you flowers later that morning or did something nice.
Hopefully, he's still not behaving this way or that he's reading your blog and stopped such behavior. His behavior might be understandable (but not necessarily excusable) in a self-centered youngster or someone with little to no dating experience but not in someone older than you and experienced in dating. Don't give up and don't take his behavior personally. Hopefully, he's still reading your blog and fixing himself up. This reminds me of something someone posted on your blog long ago: "Not all thieves are to be cursed, for blessed is the one who stole your mask…." I wonder if the person who wrote it thought it applied to him/her at one time or that it would apply to him/her. And I cannot help wondering whether Sam would appreciate the verses after reading your lastest post.