het nieuwsblad

While I’m tempted to say “Gesundheit”, I will refrain. It seems I’ve made the newspapers once again. This time in Belgiumand China. This is not the same story run in The Independent last week. I went from Euro to Global in a shake. The Belgium paper lifted copy from my site (and photos of me and Linus!). In particular, they published blog entries from only two days ago. Thankfully, I stumbled upon an excellent service: Press Display enables you to view 200 newspapers, from 50 countries, in their original form and layout. And, the papers are available before they appear on newsstands in their respective countries.

View the rest of the press photos >>

I have to say, this reminds me of bat mitzvah parties. You’re handed a wooden bat and instructed to pretend you’re about to swing. A photo is taken, and suddenly, you’re superimposed on a magazine cover titled, “All-Star Stephanie Klein Can Handle More Than Just Balls.” Okay, so that’s not what it said. The Belgium paper lists me in good company, as I share page space with mattresses, outdoor furniture, and smoothies. Can I say it now: Oh dear god.

The China Daily paper calls me, “A love-seeking doll.” Is it me, or does this sound like a novelty item? And I love how “I’m a 34C” translates to “Mijn cupmaat is 90C.” Think about it, a boob really is a cup of meat.



  1. cupmaat is, unfortunately, cup measurement. Meat would be vlees.
    Loving the fact that you're global!

  2. aint no stopping you now stephanie,but i like the fact that you're going global(sorry joe)
    today belgium tomorrow borneo……
    way to go honey!!!

  3. aint no stopping you now stephanie,but i like the fact that you're going global(sorry joe)
    today belgium tomorrow borneo……
    way to go honey!!!

  4. aint no stopping you now stephanie,but i like the fact that you're going global(sorry joe)
    today belgium tomorrow borneo……
    way to go honey!!!

  5. Cup meat sounds better? I'll let you win this time. Wait. Not just this time. My addictions always get the better of me.

  6. Cupmeat. It's what's for dinner!

    (You could single- or double-handedly end vegetarianism.)

  7. Congrats! The rest of the world is only beginning to see what those of us in New York are. Keep being yourself and telling us what you are feeling. Believe me, we (guys) are learning a lot from you. I'm not sure how many will admit that, but I will. It seems like you are giving us all you have. It is time the world gives back to you. Thanks.

  8. So amazing Stephanie. I'm so thrilled for you! And just think, this is just the beginning. As far as I'm concerned, you're UNIVERSAL!

  9. You're a superstar! Actually, you're an international superstar! I bet the endorsement offers will be rolling in any minute now.

  10. Wow, that is really cool! I keep trying to say something cute & smart but it keeps coming out sounding like I'm jealous (which I am, desperately). :) I hope you continue to get lots of GOOD attention. (There… that's not so bad?)

  11. wow! youre famous and i can say that i knew your blog from the beginning ! i remember when i was like the only comment and now look at all the comments! of course i shall resist making any "cup meat" comments. congratulations, Stephanie !

  12. i don't know where to start…

    1. you're EVERYWHERE! i love it. can't get enough steph.

    2. you're a 34C!?!?!?

    3. i really, for the life of me, can't understand why you can't get a date (or so you claim)

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