Feel The Feels

"How are you?" It's a question we ask and that's asked of us all the time. Strangers ask. Phone operators ask. And our answers gloss past thought into standard replies. "Good," "fine," "meh."  So many of us have disconnected from our feelings, using only the standard blankets of emotion rather than picking through to the threads of the moment. I'm a big fan of using the Feeling Wheel (printed and attached to my journal) to name the exact feeling I'm experiencing. 

The power of N.O.W.
N= Name it
O= Open to it
W= Witness it

I'll update more on this post later. I have to run a snow errand now. Which makes me feel cozy and giddy.

Feeling Wheel
The Only Way Out Is Through, How to Feel a Feeling


  1. I need this wheel to work on me. I have experienced fatigue and loneliness and rejection. I need to work through these issues. I know I am not crazy but am a recent cancer survivor.

    1. Debbie – as a four year cancer survivor I hear you. I was diagnosed 6 months after my M-I-L so we were able to share our journey, checking in with each other regularly. When we compared notes, we discovered it was about a year after the intensive phase of treatments ended before we finally started feeling relatively “normal” again, without the extra fatigue and brain fog. Please realize that this healing process is a long process and give ourself grace for the journey through and past fatigue. And learn say “No” and put yourself first for a while. I’ll be thinking positive thoughts for you – while I learn to use this tool too!

  2. I couldn’t log on to your Monday night meeting! I kept getting a weird message from Zoom. Not sure why? I already have zoom downloaded on my computer and phone so not sure what was going on. Sorry I missed you!!!!! Will not be there on Thursday!

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