It seems I need to do a better job at trimming their nails because I refuse to keep bundling them up in mittens! So please pardon the scratches on Miss Abigail’s sweet face. She’s just now starting to smile. Lucas, on the other hand, looks like The Godfather. CLICK THE IMAGE, and it will automatically scroll through to pictures of Lucas (as well as more of Abigail).
Wow, they're getting so big! They are beautiful Stephanie, scratches and all.
Lucas is so very serious. Love it. They are really beautiful children!
abigail's eyelashes!! gorgeous!
Gotta love those long lashes on Abigail.
They look adorable
Was wondering when you'd post new pics. Glad you did.
So sweet. Love it.
Nails- chew them off after their baths. Yes, I sound like a nutcase. No, I dont give a shit. This is what my mom suggested to me so I wouldnt cut his sweet little fingers and it worked.
Now I use clippers and he loves having his nails clipped. My kid is a freak :)
Sorry for the second post but i just had to comment on Lucas. He makes me laugh. I have said it before but I'll say it again- that chilled out expression of his is too much.
And does Abigail have blue eyes?
They are beautiful. Abigail's eyes are enormous.
The beans are the cutest! Abigail is beautiful and Mr Lucas is soo seirous- I love the last photo of him.
How is Linus doing with Lea?
Love their blue eyes!!
Abigail is going to be a heartbreaker for sure.
Is she smiling or pooping? LOL From beans to babies is what I say! :)
I can't believe how much they have grown. They are sooooo beautiful Mrs.Klein. I am so happy they are doing so well.
It's sad that I'm jealous of a small baby's eyelashes. They are both so beautiful!
such beautiful babies! thank you for sharing, they made me smile tonight :)
Photo 6025 is breathtaking. I don't know what it is about that particular one but it just strikes me as exquisite. They both look like angels.
Abigail is really starting to look like you!
They are both just gorgeous.
They are absolutely stunningly beautiful.
On a different note,what type of camera do you use? I assume it is a digital SLR.
Fantastic pictures! Abigail's big blue eys are amazing!
As for nails, I have tried several different mini-clippers, but my 9-month old still scratches himself and everyone around. I try to do the trimming when he is relaxed, like during nursing or a nap.
Oh heavens .. they look perfectly fat and happy — and OF COURSE I mean that in the best way possible .. what a change from those first newborn pictures. They are gorgeous!
How beautiful they are. How is the original bean, Linus?
And lets have some photos of YOU, dear Stephanie Tara and the Husband.
Step, your babies are fantastic, they make me smile in a day full of problems!
If its possible they are even more beautiful than before!
Absolutely gorgeous! (as I wistfully sigh remembering when my own dynamic duo were that age and now, at 2 1/2 and a 6 year-old brother, my house is a ginormous playground/art canvas/gymnasium/obstacle course)
Beautiful picture updates, thank you thank you thank you!!
They are gorgeous and we just love watching them grow. Hard to believe 4 months have flown bye huh!?
Really beautiful babies! Both have the most amazing eyelashes! Thanks for sharing the pix. At first, my computer wasn't cooperating, and they weren't showing up, but then they came up on the laptop. Glad I got to see them. They made me smile. As for the nail clipping – do it while they're asleep.
a few scratches won't hurt anybody but i second the motion of biting them off. that's what i still do to my 3 year old if she won't cooperate with the clippers…plus you get the enjoyment without ruining your own nails (or in your case, toe nails)
they BOTH have beautiful eyes…lucus will be a very mysterious handsome lady killer and abigail will leave a trail of dumbfounded, heartbroken, mouth agape fools in her wake with those eyes!
Q: when did you find out your were pregs with twins? Did you know from the get go, or later…
Thanks for posting the pics. They are beautiful babies. You can really see how much there personalities have developed since your last pics. Lucas seems to be very smart and inquisitive, like he taking everything in; He looks like such a little man.
Abigail seems quite blissful and lighthearted. She is delightful and I love the eyelashes. I hope that motherhood is everything you hoped for, with the exception of breastfeeding of course. Would it be too much to ask for some photos of you and Phil?
One word: EYELASHES!
Ok, one word isn't enough. Your babies are gorgeous. Positively edible.
That is all : )
Gorgeous… I can close my eyes and just imagine their warm wonderful baby smells and pine for more babies of my own. And in the next second imagine those not so wonderful smells and change my mind again. Thanks for sharing your angels.
Lovely. My fav is Lucas pic # 6004, very very godfather like. Hee!
Lucas looks like my ex-boyfriend… except his hair was thinning, not growing! LOL
Oh my gosh – they're precious! I can't get over Lucas' eye color – hazel? Green? Not blue like sweet sister? Just adorable. BTW, baby nails are among the sharpest materials in the world. My Australian baby nurse told me to peel them – not clip them – so as not to accidentally clip their sweet fingers. Thanks for the pictures – made my day!
too. much. cuteness. my ovaries are hurting!!
they are angels. Abigail's eyes are so pretty. Lucas is such a little man!
enjoy every precious moment. Its a cliche but it is true that they will be big before you even know it.
So sweet. Funny some of the things you remember from when you're little, but I do remember Leah looking like that with those big eyes and lovely skin when she was a baby. I was in Phoenix visiting the fam and showed my Mom your pics and she said the same thing.
On another note, since you like acoustic music, you should check out Acoustic Brazil (a cd). I found it at a store called Ten Thousand Villages in Phx. They are non-profit and sell goods from 3rd world countries. The CD, and others included in the label (sorry, but I don't have the case) are all very good.
Take care,
they both look absolutely gorgeous, abigail's so pretty and lucas with his serious little face has the look of a male catwalk model already. looking at your little ones is making me broody for my own.
Perhaps Abigail should share the joke with Lucas. Something is clearly amusing her, and her brother, with his "so you come to me at my morning feeding time and want to change my diaper" face (only thing missing is 2 rather menacing teddy bears on either side of him), is not in on the joke.
ADORABLE. Love that you are sharing them with us.
great pictures of the little ones. couldn't help but notice that on Abigail's Bouncer she has the Tiny Love Monkey Man…is she totally in love with hers as well. My 5 wo daughter stares at it constantly.
Lucas is quite the serious boy, and looks honest to god like a totally different family member than Abigale.
Abby's eyes are like wayyyy 40x bigger than Luke's!
Hope you are still breastfeeding
Oh, Stephanie, they are SO heartachingly beautiful! I'm happy for you and Phil.
Abigail and Lucas look so much like you and Phil, respectively– it's amazing!
I just found out I'm pregnant and can't wait to reread your posts as I go through the stages. I hope my bean is as perfect as yours!
Babies turn me into a rambling idiot and I hate reading peoples' comments when they sound like rambling idiots.
So I'll just say – Even after having worked for seven years in childcare, you have two of the most beautiful babies I've seen. And you are a gifted photographer because you capture it all. I come look at their pictures when I want to smile. My coworkers turn into rambling idiots around babies, too, and we all gather around the computer, drooling and cooing like fools. Picture it. :-)
Beautiful beautiful beautiful.
Look at those sweet little bunnies! Sigh! Delicious!
I feel your pain on the scratches…
My twins will be a year old this month (???!!!!) and they are SO BUSY, that the only way I can cut their nails now is to shoot them with a tranqilizer gun from across the room and nail clip like crazy until they wake up.
Love those blue eyes on Abigail. And Lucas… well he just looks like the dad in Meet the Fockers, "I'm watching you!"