Most of these photos were taken recently. There are photos at the Capitol, yes, but the ones of tables and a lake with hills were mostly shot at Mozart’s, a coffee shop where I write more often than not. And then, one black & white image inside Alamo Draft House (where they serve you food and drinks while you watch a current movie). Tonight we’re going back to see The DaVinci Code (with a wine and food tasting). And just FYI, becuase you asked, I made the above collage using Adobe Photoshop (I have this technique saved as an action script), and I shot these photos using a Nikon D100.
View all my photos of Austin >>

I see you made it to the state capitol. Did you not go inside to the see the rotunda? What a beautiful site that is!
I also recognize where you took pictures on Town Lake down where the boat docks are at. My junior prom we chartered a party boat from that same dock boat area.
I've also been in most of the places you posted pictures of on 6th street. Brought back a ton of memories from high school, college and the after years.
Keep the great pictures coming!
I just wanted to thank you for the eye brow threading recommendation. I went to the place on 38th and 6th today and my eye brows look great. They're so much better than Shohba Madison which I've been going to. Thanks!
I just have to say the photo of the bird in water(in the middle) is my favorite!
Fantastic! Fantastic! Fantastic! Oh sorry, I'm waxing fantastic.
How is little Linus adjusting to Austin? I've been meaning to ask.
Why did you chose Austin to live???? so many beautiful and romantic cities at the USA like San Francisco, Miami, New York… I don´t know.. I just think is a plain city with nothing special at all
Love the tennis pix. You look very Chris Evertesque. As for Suitor, interesting follow through.
I recently took a picture in Nashville, TN that looks remarkably like your Dsc_5673 – same lighting and everything. I guess TN and TX are closely related.
Living in a place where a street is named Pecan Street must be delicious. It sure beats the unromantic names we dealt with: Congress and Donald. Ugh.
GORGEOUS! You're eye is so rare!
oh, sophie, you poor twit.
i was born in new york and lived in the bay area and have a ton of family in miami.
but i live in the greatest city in the united states, a gem that has yet to be fully exploited (thank god) because of snobbish attitudes like yours. i live in austin, and if you had half a brain cell and a little bit of soul, you would never have written such a sad and ignorant statement.
you enjoy your 'beautiful and romantic' cities, thank you very much. we'll keep our dynamic (if a little crazy) politics, our young and vibrant student population, the year-round sunshine, our lake, our rivers, our rolling hills, our live music, our winding roads, our lush, green neighborhoods, our tolerable traffic, our still-affordable housing, our cozy coffee shops, our friendly neighbors, our dog parks, our flip-flops and suntans and smiles at strangers … i could go on, but people like you will never get it. like i said, thank god for that.
I love your pictures… in fact you've inspired me to pick up a camera and starting clicking away. I know you've mentioned it before, but would you mind sharing, one more time, the type of camera you're using?
Is that your home in those pics towards the bottom, its damn magazine living….oh gorgeous. I just moved from California to the middle of no where nothing to do Idaho, and I am depressed majorly, I gave it all up for my husbands job and I am regretting it. I never really caught on to why you moved?
As always, love your work, just breathtaking shots. It's how I landed here in the first place (your writing is not bad either, he he).
When I view some of your photos, I always wonder the same thing, how do you shoot strangers without offending and/or without them knowing?
PLANT – funny you use Chrissy as a comparison, kinda old skool, no? Not that I'm a youngin' or anything 'cause I went to school with her sister.
I echo Christina's comment… Is that your home in the bottom pictures, Stephanie!? We must know! And if so, who decorated?!?!?!?!?
youch!! lay off the twinkies!
No, sorry, but no. It's not our home. It was a model home. Wouldn't I love a room with guitars on the walls. Ah, to dream. Though I encourage everyone to visit model homes near them; you get a lot of great ideas. Wine rack as a towel holder?!
As for Linus, I don't think he knows the difference. He always seems happy to me. He's a dog. I love him and his little face to death, but he is a dog. Uncomplicated. Likes it anywhere, as long as he's not alone… sort of like his mother.
And as for the twinkie comment, I deserve to have fat arms. I don't work out. I like my body, just as it is. If I worked out, hating my thighs, I'd deserve to look better. I don't deserve to look thin. I love food, am in a healthy weight range, and quite frankly, I love myself, even with the flabby arms. Who cares? It's not what life and living are about.
I don't see any fat arms in any of those pictures, John Boy. Do you need glasses?
I live near Austin and although I think it's a nice city, I think it's only nice if you can afford to live in the "pretty" areas. I don't think any of you would like it quite so much if you had to live on the East side.
I love that collage-yes, how did you make it??
Those pictures are awesome and have solidified my need to visit Austin.
I love your photographs!
Love the photos! Great colors and intensity.
And please, share how you made that collage. Pretty please.
gorgeous pics! seeing your shots reminds me that i need to take more pictures of austin. it's such a fabulous and eclectic town. whoever said that austin is plain has obviously never been here. and, honestly, i hope they never come here. its like this town filters out the people like that who really just suck.
your photos are beautiful, what are you shooting with?
How clever is John Boy?! wow. Even tho I live in Austin, seeing it in frames and pieces brings back of all those moments pondering impossibles and enjoying energies that all of us experience. Do we see and feel the same things? I like to think so. Cheap comments can't take away the sentiment behind the moment captured. You are well proportioned and frankly, who wants to dedicate their lives to trying to force our bodies into a teenage boy's mold? Why do we have to be 5'10" and bony and brown and blonde to be attractive? So we don't pose threats to fragile egos. So we devote our energies to taming our bodies and not changing the world.
Your pictures are really great! Now I want to go back to Mozarts. I'm with Cassie, I should take more pictures of Ausitn.
Love love love the photos of the cowboy boots. The lined up boots, all different colors, looking like a fun ass-kicking team really struck a chord. More food photos please. That burger shot was excellent too. How bout some photos of TX bbq and some pie.
It is really pathetic how people like "john boy" come on here to comment on Stephanie's looks. If anything, (to me at least) she shows other women that you don't need to be stick thin to be beautiful. You look great, Stephanie…..and for the record, you don't look like a twinkie kinda girl to me! :)
Lovely photographs – I've been "dropping" by since the NYTimes article and the photography I especially like. What kind of lens are you using?
John Boy,
I'd like for you to shove a whole box of twinkies (family size, not the regular) up your … well, you get the picture. Rock on, Stephanie. Enjoying the newest posts so much.
Just came back to your site after a long hiatus to find these pictures of Austin. Excellent job! I used to work for an ad agency headquartered there (worked in NYC office). These pics remind me how much I miss that great city. Flip flops all year round is an added bonus. Enjoy it!
As a mother you exemplify what strong and loving are. Thank you.