My bags are packed. My belongings on a truck that will meet me in a week. Until then, I’ll be sleeping on the Aero Bed in the heat, living out of a suitcase, without furniture, but with the ones I love: The Lineman & The Suitor. We’ll be figuring out how to use our GPS system and learn the difference between MOPAC and the rest of the highways. Or are they freeways out there?
As for goodbyes, my friends don’t see it as that. "You’re going on an extended vacation," they said. "I promise to call you from Brandy’s and hold up the phone so you can hear Air Supply’s All Out of Love." "Well, you’re coming back in May for a wedding, and then in June for another wedding, and late July for book tour."
"Yes, I’m easing my way in." But I will miss. The hardest part was hearing my friends make plans to get together without me. Even harder, "Shit, now I’m going to be the freak pushing the refresh button on your blog, watching, like a stranger, a life you’re living that I’m no longer a part of. You’ll be writing about a life I don’t know." I’m scared we’ll fall out of touch, that I’ll miss out on their stories, now that we can no longer grab that drink. I made them promise to IM, text, email, and call with any updates.
"Come on, sweetheart… " It’s The Suitor. "It’s time to go."

You've got this SK. But you already knew that. And like you said, leaving New York is something you have to do for you. I guess this is what they call "bittersweet"? Safe travels.
oooook. we're contemplating a move away from here too and just seeing that picture made my stomach flip-flop. I think we may need to stay.
I wish you ALL the luck in the world getting settled into Austin! You're going to love it there! And yes, it will be hard "missing"….but it's going to be so great for the two of you to settle into a new life together.
You`re leaving behind all the bad and taking the good memories with you. Your friends will always be there for you. It will be the beginning of something great. Just you and him…
Have a safe flight!
This post just made me cry….
Best of luck to you from a lurker who will continue to read about the life you are living that I am not a part of.
I can't wait to see Austin through your eyes.
It's such a sad feeling, when you have the home empty of the belongings and the memories come crowding in as you have to say goodbye and close a chapter in your life. I did a big move two years ago now–so many memories in the tiny old place we shared together for almost 20 years, from our move from Austin to DC. The new place and move is great, but there are fine memories tied up in the old place. Such a great shot, redolent with the feelings and you can almost see the memories! Good luck with your move and building the new memories in Austin!
Pam :-)
'How to re-create that tall young woman whose laugh turned people's heads, whose dazzling smile fell on gatherings like money on restaurant tables, snow on country houses, morning at sea.'
James Salter, Light Years
Awww — good luck with your move! I remember moving to NYC having a ton a fears about losing touch with old friends, and it really is the hardest part of any big move. But, really, if you want to make time, you'll find time to visit for weekends. I don't think I've gone longer than 6 weeks without being visited or visiting besties of mine. And though it's a little different, real friendships still remain. Best of luck on your big move!!
Good luck, Stephanie. Adventure is good. You will grow.
I know it's hard at the beginning….but you're a strong person….you'll be fine…it's just a matter of time
best wishes
I'll be leaving DC myself in 3 months for the cheap and delightful wilds of Pittsburgh. Thanks for sharing your fears and excitements so far. Have a safe and inspired journey.
luck and love.
Good luck to you. This is a great photo. It's heartbreaking to leave New York.
Adieu dear Stephanie!
You know, I have been reading your blog for quite some time, occasionally commenting but mostly just reading and enjoying your wisdom. I don't think it really hit me until today that you were so well known .. I sortof thought (naively) that you were in part my own little secret. Funny huh? I wish you luck on your move! I have preordered your book and cannot wait to read it!
Be safe friend and please keep writing – this SAHM needs your insight and humor!
I'm happy for you and the suitor. Take care and God bless you both.
Wow, your apartment looks beautiful. But I shouldn't say this, just post a photo of your new one… Good luck!
Leaving can be very difficult. But it can also be the best thing you ever do.
Just take a deep breath.
How exciting!!! I wish I could be so daring to pack up and venture out to experience the unknown. Enjoy your drive…remember to take lots of snacks. I can't wait to read the update.
Wow. Good Luck!
I love the picture – it brought back so many memories of moving.
It's a sad day for me too. Although I only know you through your blog, I feel the sadness.
It's a journey you are on…not a destination
It's time.
Can't wait to read the Austin Adventure Series. Somehow, I think it will be just as entertaining as the Manhattan one.
Best wishes for a great move and transition to the heat;) Everything will be great!
Have a safe trip, Stephanie. Fortunately, our virtual relationship will change not at all. :-)
I'm happy for you.
At the risk of sounding pretentious and/or lame, I do believe that everything happens for a reason. This journey to a new home will only enhance your life. As you grieve the availability of your treasured friends as a daily resource, remember that they are already members of your family. You already have them in your life. Now you have an opportunity to expand your extended family of friends in a new place.
Whether this move leads you to fall in love with a new place, or whether it takes you back to New York with a greater appreciation of what you are now leaving behind, the adventure is serving a greater purpose for you. You can always move back to New York, or you can just fall in love with new people and a new place. Either way, you will have an even fuller life than what you have now, just for having gone through this experience.
Having said all of that, I understand how painful it is to leave what is known, what is already loved, for something that is only uncertain and unfamiliar. And whenever I have done this in my life, my extended family has grown exponentially. And my life is richer because of every experience I have had in every part of the world.
I have settled in a place that I know to be my permanent home, a place for which I am grateful every day. My life would be nowhere near as full as it is today, had I stayed with the security of what was before me. I moved with the flow of life, rather than applying resistance to it, and that is why I know I am exactly where I was meant to be.
I am very excited for you, and I look forward to hearing all about the next chapter of your life. You are courageous, and I hope that you are proud of who you are.
Best of luck to you. Here's hoping you and your friends don't lose touch. Distance shouldn't matter when it comes to friendship.
As someone who travels in an 18-wheeler for a living, I am excited for you and your road trip. It's the perfect time of year as the weather is beautiful and the states you'll be going through are equally breathtaking.
Hagerstown, MD as you come over the hill on I-81 is just stunning, Virginia is a beautiful state from end to end, Tennessee (please! Knoxville, Nashville and Memphis?? Wow.) You'll be going through all three. Then you're on to Arkansas, through Little Rock and hitting little 'ol Hope, AR (childhood home of Bill Clinton, a beautiful little town and then through the dual named town of Texarkana before you hit your new home state.
I know you will have your camera with you all the way and I'm sure you will take plenty of pictures to share with your friends back home.
Drive carefully, wave to the truckers and if you get a hankerin' for coffee, stop at a Pilot Truck Stop (they're no Starbucks, but they have what they call "gourmet" blends!). LOL
they are highways. not freeways. in texas. there is I-35 and mopac and 1-83. it's not difficult to figure out once you are there. much easier than ny.
i hope that your moving company is more realiable than mine was for a cross country move. good luck. have fun.
Good Luck. I just read an article on Austin… It feels amazing… "Speak" with you soon. Amy
Good luck on your new life! You're friends will stay in touch. Enjoy the new southern hospitality.
Hey Stephanie, just wanted to wish you the best of luck for the move and settling in. With Linus and the Suitor and your pool and your space I think you'll be just fine.
But wishing you the best of luck.
Good luck and may peace be with you on your journey into your new life.
Welcome to Austin! It's a fabulous place. I hope you like it.
~The original Redhead in Austin
with real friends, the distance won't matter. don't worry, if you're having those worries. I've now been in nyc for 2 years, but with my truest dearest friends, you almost never know that I am not there with them or that they aren't here with me. Good luck on the move and best wishes.
Have a safe trip on your way to the new beginning. I am looking forward to the chronicles.
Here's to all things new for you and your family ;-)
1. I love that Air Supply song.
2. I forgot that today was the big day until I stopped in here. Best of luck, Stephanie! I can't wait to read your book (as I've said a few times). Have the best time in Austin. You are an outgoing, magnetic person and will have no trouble making friends there. The changes that are occurrring in your life are all wonderful. After sitting right near Phil during your last NYC reading, I have to say that you've chosen to spend your life with someone who really loves and cherishes you. I didn't need to speak to him to know this. It's all over both of your faces. Congratulations on everything, and I hope your book sells millions of copies. Here's to posting via poolside wi-fi. Best wishes!
Warmest wishes for happiness in Texas and also strength for the challenges you'll meet up ahead. But most importantly, big hugs for much joy in your future….
Safe travels!
I am sad that you are leaving, Stephanie, in a way I can't explain.
But I wish you a great trip, and a fantastic brand new adventure.
Buona Pasqua
Good Luck, and all the best:)
Awwwww! Your photo made me sad. You look so small and lost. You'll be okay. You have a whole new life ahead of you!
But, I know you already know this! Thinking of you and wishing you the best.
From a freakish stranger, pushing the refresh button…
Happy trails!
bonne chance! ;)
I know exactly how you feel. It's a sad thought that our friends' lives go on without. Events happen and we aren't there for them. People still have fun even if we aren't with them. Starts to make you wonder if you'll be forgotten. But don't worry, real friends never forget you. They will call, they will email, they will text message, they will IM. They will miss you as much as you miss them.
This is the best part of life: adventure! :)
This New Yorker is looking forward to hearing about Austin. Who knows, Steph, you may just make Austin the new "IT" place and everyone will make a mecca towards it. :) Hey, I am always open to new possibilities…
Congrats and best of luck for a smooth move!!!
Don't be sad, lover. We will always stay connected. I will miss you but I know I will see you soon and often.
good luck, stephanie … i hope that austin is an amazing experience for you. :)
I don't know why, but this article seemed so powerful to me. Maybe it's this huge change which will alter your life… it's like a new beginning. You're turning over a new leaf.