while I was sleeping

While I was sleeping, the beans went for a ride this morning with Super Nanny and Phil.  He took these sweet photos of our sweet beans.  I am now off to run errands.  Tonight we’re going to a cocktail party at a country club.  I imagine many of the women will be in skirt suits with colorful BIG jewelry.  Dresses.  Fashion.  Surprisingly, the women here really can dress when they set their minds to it.  When we first moved here, I was kinda shocked.  I’d been so naive, and thought people didn’t really know how to dress outside New York and California.  I was an idiot.  What do you want?  I was invited to an Anthony Nak sample sale.  In New York, you go to a sample sale in any old thing, during your lunch hour or something.  So I showed up in jeans, remnants of mascara, hair in a bun, only to arrive to valet parking (at someone’s house mind you), a staff welcoming you inside and offering you white wine or pellegrino, and a kingdom of women dressed to the tens.  I haven’t been shopping in ages, and I’m really hoping to find something hip and girly to wear tonight.  Perhaps there’ll even be time for a blowout!  Oh, how I love being a girl.  "Cocktail party attire" the invite says… martini bar… sushi… there is no better hour in the world than cocktail hour.  Not even happy hour!  And a whole party just for finger foods and adult beverages, well, I’m just glad I slept in this morning.



  1. oh, those women…I know those women. In a past life was in development at one of the museums in austin. Will just tell you this…they do know how to dress, the jewelry is all there, they give money to the fashionable causes and then the run off for quickies with their 20-yr-old yoga instructors. Amazing the shit that goes on in what looks like perfectly perfect households!

  2. do those kids ever smile? they look so sad!!

    very jealous of your parties… these days it is just diapers and spit up for me!

  3. How fun and how sweet. They are beautiful beans and pictures! They are twins but so unique and beautiful in their own ways. Which club are you going to? They are each pretty different in town… enjoy!

    FROM STEPHANIE- Barton Creek Country Club "Welcome Autumn"

  4. ever read bernard devoto's "the hour"? he was a harpers editor, pullitzer prize winner, and the entire, superbly written, book is a paeon to the cocktail hour (and a diatribe against all cocktails save whiskey and the dry martini). while i disagree with the latter (i'm a sidecar, old fashioned, manhattan girl myself) he makes a breathtaking case for the former, all the while showing you what a writer does. devoto could create a masterpiece writing about doing the laundry.

  5. Babies look adorable! They're getting big.

    Your sample sale story sounds like my neighborhood. You should see how they dress at playgroup. One recent playgroup I managed to get my two older kids on the bus and the babies and myself looking presentable enough to leave the house. Another Mommy arrived at the same time as me: adorable Burberry trench w/matching Wellies. It was a rainy day, natch. Her two little girls resplendent with matching dresses and hairbands. I spent the morning cowering in the shame of my yoga pants and ponytail.

    Have fun shopping and enjoy the cocktails.

  6. OMG, those twins…they're just SO CUTE! They look so different yet so similar. Funny that their eyes are such completely different colors…yet are so similar. Seriously Stephanie, what beautiful children.

    have fun at the "magic hour"!

  7. Whenever I see a pic of Abigail, I think "She looks JUST like Stephanie!" That is, until I see Lucas, who has your eyes to a T. It must be so neat to see yourself in your children.

  8. Your babies are so adorable! Abigail's eyes are huge! and Lucas looks like such a little man.

    I always though the same thing about people outside of the "3 corners" (Miami-NYC-LA) dressing well. I used to have a boyfriend in Alabama and was definitely shocked when I saw the chicks my age in Seven jeans and side-swept bangs (circa 2004). They were actually…….stylish.

  9. Barton Creek is one of the nicest! I'm helping coordinate a golf tourney there next April! Have fun!

    PS – I got a reply today from an agent interested in my book!!!! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!!

  10. It's so cool that Lucas looks exactly like you, and Abigail looks just like Phil! It'd be too boring if the sexes matched up, dontcha think?

  11. Have a fabulous time tonight! And thanks for the new pictures – I cannot believe how darling those darlings are. Have a blast!

  12. what are the little beans going to be for halloween?

    so adorable.

    enjoy your cocktail pink. wear something bright!

  13. Abi looks just like you esp in one of these pics she is looking off to the side at something. So expressive.

    And Marlee? "Another Mommy arrived at the same time as me: adorable Burberry trench w/matching Wellies. It was a rainy day, natch. Her two little girls resplendent with matching dresses and hairbands. I spent the morning cowering in the shame of my yoga pants and ponytail."

    Don't be too hard on yourself. Some parents do dress their kids up like dolls but it does not give them an advantage over you:)

  14. I came across your blog using a link on another one that I read. I must say that I really enjoy your writing. So much that I purchased your book today. I look forward to reading your book and keeping up with your blog. By the way, the beans are delightful. Thanks for posting the adorable pictures.

  15. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I do not plan on having kids. Looking at Abigail and Lucas sometimes makes me change my mind. Seriously. They are that beautiful.

  16. God, the eyes on that girl. I think my favorite parts of Lucas are his little lips. He has such sweet lips. I hope you're able to post more video of them sometime soon.

    I'm curious along with Sara.. any first Halloween costume plans?

  17. Don't you just love that wagon? I think it's a must of parents of twins. My two love it. Your kids are getting so big and their so cute.

    Have fun at the party.

  18. Have fun tonight.

    Re the pictures–the one B/W in the wagon looks like it is a greeting card!

    Lucas has eyes JUST like yours.

    Abigail's eyes are ENORMOUS, and in that one photo–those lips are gorgeous! Phil better be prepared for all the boys that will want to come smooch her!

  19. Gosh the beans are so adorable. Abigail's eyes are so beautiful and Lucas has a very stunning and handsome face. I'm so happy for you!

  20. Agggh.. Barton Creek. While I should have been sipping cocktails by the pool last winter durin a company sales meeting and getting a reprieve from the horrible winter that NYC had, I instead found myself under the worst ice storm that's possibly ever struck Texas in the history of, well, ever.

    Hope you enjoy what I should have been enjoying – sun, fun and a few pretty drinks by the pool.

  21. beautiful photos!

    so, i hate it when people relate every little thing to celebrities, BUT, lucas looks like a mini russell crowe.
    so handsome already!

  22. Your babies are so beautiful Stephanie! Their eyes are so clear and big. The pictures are great. I am fascinated.
    Enjoy your super party, I am envious.

  23. beautiful babies, beautiful pictures – i like the one on the grass particularly .. this may already be somewhere on your site but what camera do u use?

  24. Great pics! Hope you had fun at your country club. For some reason I just cant picture you having fun at those things but I guess when it comes to fashion…

    Happy Friday!

  25. Oh!!!! the beans are SO adorable stephanie- Lucas has the most EXPRESSIVE, intelligent face and Abby well, "jeepers creepers where'd she get those GORGEOUS peepers"????

    PS Congratulations on Moose- i who KNEW you'd do it.

  26. There is just something so timeless and wonderful about a radio flyer wagon!! Twice the fun with the twin version. Lovely pictures.

  27. Kids on a windowsill scares me to death.

    FROM STEPHANIE- Scare me as well. We had 2 people right next to them, arms out, ready to grab both if they teetered anywhere. Also we pressure tested the screen. In addition, that window opens up to a flat roof just below the ledge.

  28. Such beautiful children! My babes are the same way when they see a camera. All inquisitive. Only way for me to get them to smile for the camera(like a trained seal) is to blow raspberries on them and run for the camera.

  29. I'm really not for training kids to smile as soon as they see a camera. You will never get another decent candid again. I think seeing personality is more expressive, all around.

  30. That's a baby tonsure. It's a classic style some babies seem to develop around that age, leaving it behind within a few months. (Others develop the unfortunate mini-mullet, over which I'd take the baby tonsure any day.)

    Of course the babies aren't smiling in posed pics. Babies that age can't do two things at once yet, and I suspect they are being told to look at the camera, OK now don't look at the camera, etc. They're concentrating on following those single step directions. They'll smile on cue while looking or not looking later. They're not "sad" – they're developmentally appropriate.

  31. Okay, people, sad children? I just don't get those comments…. in these photos, I see contented children, little Buddhas, zen-like expressions…. to me, it is just a lovely thing to behold.

    Why do children have to be provoked all the time "to smile for the camera"? Stephanie is catching them in quiet moments, content moments and these photos are just priceless.

  32. I see very zen babies as well, not sad. I do, however, fancy that I see some innate twin wisdom in their pictures. I also think that your Lil' Miss just rocks that baby comb-over! She is way too cute, and I think her hair just knows it can't compete with her eyes for 'teh cute'.

    I kind of wonder if they aren't thinking to themselves, "Mama, you -do- know what kind of shit you are leaving yourself open to when the internet sees us sitting on the windowsill, right?" They look pretty incredulous to me! ;-)

  33. Regarding Abigail's hair pattern.. I've known several babies (mostly girls, for some reason) whose hair has grown similarly when they were young. My niece's hair grows faster on the sides than on top; I call her "Monkey Baby," because she looks like a monk (not a monkey). :) Baby hair is a funny thing. Abigail's got beautiful hair, though; such a lovely color, and so shiny. I bet it feels like silk.

  34. It's terribly unfair to call a child "sad" just because they are not smiling. Really, you guys who do this will get as good as you give. I think the children are beautiful, soulful and very adorable, and if I didn't I certainly would never tell that to the parents. Sheesh, read Ms. Manners people and prepare yourselves for comments like that about your beans. Like Mr. Timberlake says, "what goes around, goes around, goes around comes back around."

  35. Too cute, those babies in the window. I love those pictures – they would look great blown up and scattered around the house, or hung in an art gallery. Congrats on making your MOOSE deadline! Does this mean you'll have time for scrapbooking?

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