Are you part of a reading group? Thinking of starting one? Depending on my availability, I’d love to answer a few questions by email or schedule a conference by speakerphone when you’re reading Moose or Straight Up And Dirty. Please email tossklein@gmail.com with the following information:
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Reader Reviews of MOOSE from FirstLook:
I have to admit I’m a male and I love reading her blog so I was thrilled to learn I would be reading her new book Moose. Just like her blogs, her book is down to earth and has a real feel to it thats other authors just seem to be lacking nowadays. The way it was written made you eagar to quickly finish and turn the page as not to be left behind. I enjoyed this book greatly and look forward to more from her.
— Eric (Lansing, MI)
Moose has taken me back to my adolescence. Klein captures what it was to be a young and overweight pre-teen searching for acceptance in a world not always accepting. Short on dialogue, it’s never a problem because Klein’s prose is vivid and her description is clear as the lake upon where she camped. Moose is a beautiful sophomore follow-up to Dirty, and personally, I am relating to it much more so, because of my past weight issues. Thank you Klein, and I look forward to another insightful memoir from you soon! Perhaps a mommy book titled Kangaroo? Keep writing!
— Stephanie (Woodridge, IL)
Being an adolescent girl is hard, being a fat adolescent girl is even harder… There are few things in life as embarassing as being the fat kid. Everyone sees the class pictures, the lonely lunches and the sweat stained t-shirts in gym class. However, though as zoftig as she may be at home, she’s one of the hot girls at fat camp, dozens of pounds lighter than most of the other campers. But all is not well at fat camp. There are social and sexual fumblings, as well as firsthand, backstabbing and breakups, as well as a triumphant weight loss and rumor-laden return home. Fat camp and Klein’s ‘big’ childhood are put into perspective as Klein, a now pregnant-with-twins-woman, is told by her doctor that she has to gain weight. Klein takes readers into the trenches of the weight battle with Moose: A Memoir of Fat Camp. Readers that have sometimes been fat and those who are always fat will find a champion in Klein, or at least those who want to get thinner.
— Nicole (Barberton, OH)
Absolutely wonderful, truly adorable and hard to put down! When was the last time you read a great book and couldn’t wait until the movie comes out? A perfect beach read or anytime read. I couldn’t love this book more!
— Jane (Shen, IA)
“Moose”, by Stephanie Klein is an important book for girls of all ages.In reading it we are reminded of our own struggles as youths. We see through Ms. Klein’s eyes, how others treat us affects us and how it causes us to treat ourselves, as well. We are reminded here that who we become as adults is shaped by the things that happen to us, and the words we hear echo throughout our life. The book acknowledges us, and ultimately validates us, as Ms. Klein did with “Moose”. We are vindicated. Whatever shape we are it is still our skin, and it fits us just right. This allows us to accept who we are, and to finally learn to comfortable in our own skin. McGuffy Ann Morris
— McGuffy Ann (Antioch, IL)
This very well-written memoir takes the reader with the author on her odyssey from a 164-pound 9 year old to a size 4 wife and mother. Along the way the reader is able to view the roller coaster ride of emotions – hope, despair, anger, belligerence, friendship, humiliation, contempt and love. The ugliness of prejudice and assumptions and the disastrous effects these beliefs had upon Stephanie (and others, of course) actually became a motivation for her – the desire to prove them wrong. After trying many of the generally accepted ways of losing weight, Stephanie and her parents learned about and became enthusiastic about a “fat camp,” where being obese was the norm and the atmosphere was very intense – between gender opposites in which some body discovering took place, to same-sex relationships which produced best friends For so many people who feel that achieving their weight loss goal is an insurmountable task, the knowledge and understanding that Stephanie gained at camp served her well for the coming years when pounds crept up again and she had to face disappointment and shame in herself, but the determination to never be that lonely little girl again. Ms. Klein’s self-realization seems to have been strong from an early age; however, that may come with the hindsight of maturity. Two things she said in her memoir that struck me as worth remembering are: “I didn’t care what caused me to be overweight. I just wanted to fix it. I already knew how to eat clean and listen to my body. Everyone knew. But it’s never about knowing the answers. It’s about living them. And I didn’t know how.” And “I spent my whole single life trying to be thin so I could find someone who’d love me once I got fat.”
— Barbara (Nashville, TN)
I enjoyed reading this book. It brought back memories when I was 12 years old. It made laugh and made cry. It brought a lot of emotion’s out that I relate to.
— Mary (Corpus Christi, TX)
Stephanie Klein graciously allows us a voyeuristic view into the life of her former overweight adolescent self. In what seems like an honest (sometimes brutally so) account of her life as a Long Island pre-teen, Stephanie reveals with witty candor, the strengths and sorrows of a precocious girl, determined to be thin at any cost. Friends and enemies, crushes and first loves, and the cruelty of junior high school bullies rekindle your own memories of slam books and first base. Stephanie Klein reveals things that I could never, WOULD never be brave enough to share. Even as an adult. Kudos Stephanie on a job well done!
— Leslie (Monroe, NY)
MOOSE is a great, fun read! Most of us can relate to Stephanie’s story of being self-conscious,embarressed,or overweight sometime in our growing or adult years. We all want to be accepted and made to feel equal. This is Stephanie’s story and while reading the story it makes you feel your are right there with Stephanie, through the anguish and heartache of wanting to be accepted and to fit in. She learns what is TRULY important along the way!! Stephanie’s words are true and real! You will laugh,cry, and cheer for her but most of all you realize she learned a lot !! You will not be disappionted!
— nancy r (mc calla, AL)
In Moose, Stephanie Klein enlightens the reader about growing up overweight in the United States. This is a memoir written with candor and honesty. Food becomes an addiction for many people, but a hard one to break because you can’t give it up totally. Ms. Klein clearly illustrates this struggle for us. This book is perfect for book clubs.
— Patricia (Baltimore, MD)