10 year anniversary of Stephanie Klein’s Greek Tragedy

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Greek Tragedy Blog
10 years ago today, before marriage or twins, 10 years ago to this exact day, January 20, I made the decision to start a blog, naming it Greek Tragedy on a whim, because really, no one thought of titles or blogs then, and to begin one, you must fill in a form, where you’re asked for a title. I’m partly Greek, and there was my complete rejection from all of Greek life in college, where I was singled out as the one and only woman no one wanted in their sorority. So, why not? I’d start a blog where I could write about all of it.

In 10 years of writing a blog, I’d say there’s probably 3 years worth of stories, and the rest is trying to find the motivation or inspiration to tell them. There were periods where I refused to write about my marriage, without saying as much, because it only gives people more to throw shit at. In 10 years, though, I’ve finally learned how to deal with the trolls–not, as convention would dictate, by “not feeding them,” but by feeding them foil-wrapped kisses, or simply by pressing “delete.”

Sometimes though the trolls show up in my fingers in the form of self-doubt, hoping to beat the anonymous words of cowards to the punch, and in doing so, my writing isn’t as authentic. It’s defensive. I hope the next decade brings more words of authenticity, cyclical in nature, back to my raw true state. And I wonder if I can find my way to write about the less dramatic moments, about the people, places, and things which bring me the most joy. The books and preening and recipes and art projects and photography make up a lot of the “non-story” material on this Greek Tragedy blog, as do the fun lists and writing exercises, which I plan to do much, much more of in the years to come.  I’ve given Straight Up Advice, shared He Said, She Said videos, revealed a healthy dose of food love, and disclosed some gift guide direction, all whilst requesting restaurant and hair salon recommendations. And mostly, I’ve gone back… remembering moments, wondering if I could’ve held them for longer, using my writing as a medium to stretch time and live longer in the ifs, without forcing myself to accept the past as just a story that needs to be retold in a way that will make me feel better about my present.

The stories that mark these 10 years range from dating and mating to breakups and breakthroughs, from marriage to miscarriage, to premature labor and NICU nights to emergency illnesses: heart surgeries, brain surgeries, and premature menopause. And across these pages, I write about friendships and endships, a plan to handle ’em both, the new ones that must accommodate the new labels we wear: new friends now that you’re in the suburbs, in Texas, in Florida, in New York, in marriage, in pregnancy, single again, married again, new mom friends, the friends who knew you when–your memory friends, your give-get friends. I can’t say which part of my blog I enjoy writing most, but perhaps more than any of it, I appreciate and really savor the times when you write to me. I find that your comments and feedback guide me because I want to tap into what others might be experiencing, so we’re not all living it as separately as it feels that we are.  Thank you for sticking with me for all this time, for sharing posts on Facebook, for directing friends here. For expanding the heart of this blog and becoming a family, thank you.

Happy Anniversary, Greek Tragedy. I’m so proud of you, all of you, just as you are.



  1. Congratulations!

    I have been reading since the beginning, where has the time gone?

    1. Author

      I can’t believe my premature twins, the beans, Mr. Magoo, are now seven year old children who say things like, “No, you may not have any of my dessert. But, nice manners in asking, Mama.”

  2. I found you right when I needed you, in 2006 during the ugliest breakup. How does a stranger repay a blogger for their anonymous support during a difficult time? It’s an odd situation. I keep reading, keep loyal, and look forward to another 10 and all the changes to come. Keep writing authentically, whatever it may be. xoxo

  3. Huzzah! That’s some anniversary! I hope you treated yourself to something special to celebrate.

  4. Congratulations on your amazing achievement! 10 years in the blogging world is a very long time. Well done to you!

    I just found your blog on bloglovin… But I hope to continue reading more of your stories, especially those “joy stories” that you plan to write and rewrite in the near future.
    Best of luck,


  5. Happy anniversary. I’m a new reader as well. I might be in the minority, but I like reading about the less dramatic moments best. It’s what feels real to me, and I am drawn to real.

  6. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I started reading your blog in late 2005.. I remember thinking, “Who is this gorgeous redhead? I want her long curls and NYC apartment!” It’s crazy to think it’s been ten years since you started! Please keep writing.. I look forward to all your posts, no matter what the subject!

  7. Wow!! Hard to believe it has been so long! With you, I have evolved from solo mother of three teens, working hard to come to terms with myself, to the mom of three grown ups who amaze me every day. I have gone from single, through an occasional every other weekend lover to a woman very much devoted to a wonderful man whom I adore. I’ve gone from job to job, writing and not, optimistic and not, preachy and not….

    Im so glad you’re here, friend. I look forward to writing with you for years to come.

    Happy anniversary!!

  8. Congrats! I started reading about a year and a half into your blog’s life, when I had just moved to the uws for law school. I envied your confidence and independence back then (I was still trying to memorize that amsterdam was west of columbus). I’m still an upper west sider, having figured my way around, and it’s been such a pleasure reading your blog over the past years!

    1. Author

      Thank you, Anna. I’m still an UWS girl, even if I live on Long Island now. Actually I’m a Texan UWS girl living on Long Island. And, I’m happy!

  9. Thank you for letting your readers be part of your journey. A piece of the internet would be missing if Greek Tragedy weren’t here:) You are one of the original bloggers, before people started writing with the thought of advertising dollars in mind.
    Absolutely adore you!

  10. All I know is that I am so happy you and this blog are here. For if there was no Greek Tragedy there would be no No Pasa Nada (or whatever it is right now since I hardly ever blog). I think about all of the things that have come out of my blogging and it’s all been very, very good. Here’s to many more years. xo

  11. Mazel tov !!Congrats!!! I’ve been reading you for many years. Keep up the good work. Wishing you the best in the future.

  12. Happy Anniversary and thank you for continuing your blog. I too started reading after the NYT piece, but really connected when you (and I) had kids around the same time. This blog is a wonderful place to visit and when you take a break I always wonder if and how you’ll come back. (And when you return I’m always relieved.) Thanks for your honesty and thanks for your hair tips! Pat yourself on the back – you are doing a great job!

    1. Author

      I’m always relieved when I come back, too. Thank you Rebecca for continuing to check back. It really means something to me, and it makes me feel more connected, as if people are on my side… as if there are sides to be taken. I want readers to know that as much as they are here for me, I try to be there for them, too.

  13. hey Steph,

    I have been a long time reader of the blog and of your books. Crazy to think that it has been so long! I have loved your stories and your perspective on everythig from breakups to kids and all inbetween. As in life we have to ignore the haters and stay true to ourselves and our journey. Thanks from Australia!

    1. Author

      Oh, Jo, thanks for sticking by and checking in from Australia! And you’re so right. There are so few haters, that we sometimes let it derail us, but shouldn’t, really shouldn’t. When I see talent, and then see the haters crop up, and see the talent let it influence them in any way, I want to yell, “Quick, look over here! We love what you do. Please ignore them and carry on for the rest of us to enjoy!” I try to remind myself of this very thing when I let it distract me.

  14. I’m a longtime reader and fan. Congrats on hitting this milestone! But write another book!!!!

    1. Author

      Write another book! You said it. I need to get down and dirty with this book proposal, the one I still haven’t ever submitted to anyone!

  15. Congrats on the milestone. I’ve been reading for 7 years, too. You really got me on a weight loss journey after you wrote about taking on Weight Watchers! Here’s to more inspiration and more writing for you.

  16. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for your writing. I can’t even remember how long I’ve been reading or how I got here, just glad that I did. It has been a while because it was pre-wedding!

    Really enjoy your writing and even though I don’t always agree with you, you always make me think and I appreciate that.

    Here’s to many more years!

  17. Congratulations! What a wonderful milestone!! I’ve been reading since the beginning.. through all the ups & downs and have learned so much along the way. Through your words, you have helped me understand myself and others better. Your perspective and honestly truly have united us all.. we all come here together to try and connect & make sense of our life experience. i thank you from the bottom of my heart for making yourself available to us. To another 10 years!!!! xo

  18. I discovered your blog the week after I came out of a six year relationship (back in 2006). I was at a very difficult time in my life and I bought your book and read pretty much your whole blog from the start. I even printed out a favourite entry (the yawp one…) your blog really guided me at a time when I needed it most.thank you for sharing your life with us.

    1. Author

      Thank you Libby for this comment. I just re-read YAWP and added it to the “FAVORITES” category. Man, if every woman started out KNOWING that stuff, just imagine? I might not otherwise have read that, so thank you for guiding me, in turn!

  19. Happy anniversary, Stephanie! I’ve been reading your blog for a really long time, before the Suitor came along :-) , back when you were still a single New York girl with a first book on the way. I was still living in Greece at the time (I am Greek), then I kept on reading you, as life brought me to London and then to Brussels. I always come back to check in on you – Greek Tragedy is up there on my bookmark bar for instant access. I know more about your life than I do about most of my friends’, and I’m still around, which means you must have been doing something right! Here’s to another 10 years of honest blogging!

    1. Author

      Thank you very much Florence. It is work and sometimes it creates a lot of anxiety, but in the long run, I’m so glad and thankful for this blog and for the people like you who are “still around.” Thank you!

  20. How in the world has it been ten years!? That’s crazy! I have been following you since the very, very, very beginning and can’t believe that much time has passed. Here’s to another ten years, Stephanie! Keep up the great work. Your writing is inspiring!

  21. I came across another author today whose name is Stephanie, and it somehow reminded me of you – the metropolitan blogger I profiled back in 2005 for UT’s The Daily Texan, right after you had moved to Austin. I was 20, green and enamored with your accomplishments. Today, I am 29, (hopefully) a tad wiser, and have just moved to the Middle East in an effort to find personal growth. I’m also going through heartache – and here, on your blog, I’ve found a morning of solace. Life is so funny that way. As a fellow writer, thanks for the inspiration and for the words of encouragement that found me when I most needed them.

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