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First off, welcome Today Show watchers. You have no idea how many times I continued to repeat the name of my own site in my head, trying to make sure I remembered to mention it during my time on air with Natalie. Will post the video as soon as it’s available (and I’ll post my interview with Joan Hamburg). I grew up listening to Joan, and I just love that so many people have approached me saying, "My grandmother heard you on Joan Hamburg the other day!" I was also on Elliot In The Morning (so much fun) in Washington, DC. While there I was questioned about my ‘rhea habits and asked if I’d scratch my elbow while on The Today Show this morning to signal if I had ‘rhea this morning. I did not, actually have any real nerves, which is surprising, but true. At least I learned to cross my legs! Media to come.
If you’re new here, look for the "Featured Entries" on the left side of the site. And if you’re in New York, New Jersey, Chicago, Los Angeles, or San Francisco, check out the tour dates and appearances of MOOSE.
I'm so glad I met you yesterday! As a seasoned bullshit spotter, I can confirm here in this public forum that Stephanie Klein is charming, pleasant & has a wonderful figure. And there wasn't even any chocolate on hand at the Palisades mall to cloud my judgement. Though I did buy a hot pretzel on my way to the parking lot. & a diet Snapple which cancelled out the pretzel. Love how that works.
And while I claimed that I would wait till this weekend to get started on Moose, I lied. I've read through Chapter 4, and it's def. hard to put down. The strongest feeling I'm left with right now is that I truly cannot understand how you have a warm relationship with your parents as an adult. Perhaps that will be revealed. . .
Hi Stephanie. I heard you on Elliot the other morning… great interview! You have a great sense of humor… I'm glad your past didn't take that away from you. And if you don't mind me saying, or even if you do since you can't stop me now haha, you're very beautiful! Best of luck in your writings. -justin-
I'm so sorry i'm going to miss you tonight here in NYC, but i'm having surgery in the morning at o'dark 30 so i'm off to bed early tonight.
I know you'll do great and i'm looking forward to finishing Moose in one sitting like I did with SUAD!
Fantastic job on the Today Show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey! i heard you on eitm as well (btw, they posted the picture of you, elliot, and diane on their website). great interview. it seemed like you were all having such a fantastic time :-)
I was driving in my car yesterday morning and — because I have become my mother — was listening to Joan Hamburg. And all of a sudden she was introducing you! So fun! Can you tell us what Joan is really like? I hope she is as sincere as she sounds on the radio. Congratulations on the book.
It was so great to finally get to meet you last week in Miami. My friends and I had a great time at your reading. I am slightly more than halfway through Moose and I am really liking it. Eventhough I have always been thin, there are many parts of your experiences and childhood worries that I can easily relate to, making it difficult to read at times. Thanks so much for sharing and being so honest.
Wonderful job on the Today Show. You looked Fabulous and I really like the dress you were wearing. Where ever did you get it?
heard you on elliot and ran off to buy straight up and dirty the very same day. currently in similar situation and glad to read something i can relate to. love your site and best of luck with moose.
Please, please tell us again where you found that beautiful cameo necklace?
Oh that Adam guy is gorgeous! I am glad you had other fatcampers on with you, makes it seem more real somehow.
Great job on the Today show!
From one ginger to another…you are gorgeous, doll. We can so wear that green.
It was great to meet you last night in Manhasset. You look wonderful….It's nice to see that "out of difficult times, comes success" and makes you a stonger person….reminds me of a somewhat difficult time in grammar school where the girls in a "group" that i wanted to be a part of-made me put grass on my head-and told me that I could play with them if i did-but guess what after i did-they just ran off and lauged…i think that is why it's hard for me to establish friendships with women-i find them a threat sometimes…
Oooh you're wearing that necklace of yours which I love! One of these days I'm going to take it… well maybe just for a day so I can have someone make one just like it. Congrats on a fun interview. See you in Austin!
You looked so great on the TS! Congrats!!!!
I'm so sad to say that I'm not making it tonight at Columbus Circle. The mini me is being super cranky and I know the humidity plus a cranky kid will have me looking like a hot mess. So you better write another book so I can make it to that reading! So I guess I'll have my own reading tonight, in the air coniditioner while the mini me watches Noggin.
i am very intrested in reading your book. I am a fellow fat camper, and I am pretty sure we went to the same place from your photos. its funny because as i was watching you on the today show, i was packing my bags for my first summer at fat camp. I am so sorry it didnt work for you but for me and several of my other friends, it did work and infact i am going back this year to try to inspire campers to show that it can work! I am happy to hear that you have made life long friends, as did I. Fat camp friends are by far the best and truest friends I have ever met! Any ways good luck with you book…i hope after reading it, a second nasty blog wont appear. ex: i was in a sorority, and the book pledged was horribly represented!
Congrats and well-done. I love the Today Show but hate the way they rush interviews. I think you did yourself proud so don't go back and review the tape 1000 times to see what you could have done or said differently!
Congratulations, Stephanie! You look fabulous- you were so poised. I'm over halfway done with Moose and absolutely loving it. My best friend is at your reading right now in NY and it's killing me… I cannot wait to hear all about it.
you didn't hair twiddle either – I think you've got the hang of this Steph!
Congratulations on the Today show appearance! I loved that you had Adam (a camp boyfriend) and a camp counselor with you too! :)
P.S. Maybe you don't agree, but I look at you in these old pictures and can't help but think that you weren't fat at all!
There is this girl in my class who is a red head and gets made fun of….. What im trying to say is anyone with red hair does not deserve to be made fun of. Some common names are "ginger" "red head" "fire crotch" it is just cruel and they do not deserve to make fun of them.
Thanks for being real. I love that you share and are vulnerable- you rock.
I didn't know you were going to be on the Today Show but I was so excited when they mentioned your name. I was late to work.. but it was worth it. You looked fabulous, & that green is truly your color. I can't wait for the reading in Pasadena next week. See you then!
The "Elliot in the Morning" interview audio can be downloaded from their website: http://www.eitmonline.com
Hi I just saw your Tody Show appearance video – what an interesting story. I look forward to reading your book. I think your attitude is terrific and your perceptions and experiences are supremely relevant. Besides, you've got great hair.
I'll be honest, I did not like the dress but I did love that Adam – he seems like a doll!
Congratulations! I really believe "Moose" will be even bigger than "Straight Up and Dirty." The latter had the comparisons with SATC; Moose will resonate with parents, singles, kids and the message of loving yourself is so necessary. You are a woman of accomplishment with a very generous spirit.
Terrific interview Stephanie. Just great. Can't wait to meet you in Chitown!
Hey, this is great! Congratulations, Stephanie!
Adam is EXTREMELY cute!!! He's not fat now and from the picture, he wasn't fat then, either.
Wow! Congratulations on the great press!
Thank you for posting the link to the Today show. I really wanted to see it.
I thought you were fabulous on the Today Show. I set the dvr bc I had to leave for work before you were on…
That's so cool that you're still in touch with your childhood boyfriend!
I'm about three-quarters of the way through Moose and it's making me remember a lot of things I hadn't thought about in a long time. Kids can be cruel, yes, but sometimes it's not even for any real reason.
I remember a girl I knew in 7th grade who other kids would start moo-ing when she walked into the room. The irony is that she wasn't even fat. She had a somewhat bigger than average frame, but there were plenty of girls who were the same size as her and they would join in the teasing. This included one of her close friends who she found out sent a note to another friend saying, "Kristen is such a fat lard! She is a 145 lbs.!!!!" (To 12-year-olds, that sounded like a high weight. And, there was no way she really weighed much. The girl who sent the note probably weighed more than she did.)
I hate to think of the emotional scars she probably still has to this day. I got curious enough to google her. She's apparently now very athletic and runs in races. If that's what makes her happy, good for her! I just hope that she's not someone who still obsesses over ever perceived body flaw no matter what she does.
Adam is very cute.