As a Texan, I started a tradition of taking pics of my daughter every year in the fields of Bluebonnets in the spring. Still my fave pics, but now I have moved to Florida. Maybe you can pick up the tradition with your babies!
These babies are just beautiful, absolutely delicious!!!! I'm so glad they are growing and have wide bright eyes and they are even getting chubby!!! I'm so glad to see those tiny little things getting chubby!!!! They are just wonderful, and healthy.
I'm reading your book right now. I just wanted to say I think that it is wonderful how much growth you have shown. I've been following your blog for months.
Isn't it so amazingly beautiful that you created these two beautiful babies in a loving marriage with a wonderful man, after experiencing such an agonizing, painful one with a shithead? I think your story is a story of triumph.
I'm reading your book right now. I just wanted to say I think that it is wonderful how much growth you have shown. I've been following your blog for months.
Isn't it so amazingly beautiful that you created these two beautiful babies in a loving marriage with a wonderful man, after experiencing such an agonizing, painful one with a shithead? I think your story is a story of triumph.
They are so beautiful. I am glad to see they are thriving so much. We found with our twins that around this age, they started to be so much FUN and I hope the same is true for you (sitting up was really a breakthrough in everyone's overall happiness).
I had a bad morning and these photos made me feel much better. Thank you for that. The babies are gorgeous and your photography is stunning. I'm impressed.
First, I will be repetetive and say beautiful pictures and children.
Second, my son hated grass too. From the looks of the pictures I would say your beans don't like it either. A sheet on grass was a good as a fence. He wouldn't stray one inch off the sheet. I was the same way my mom says. Fast forward to year #2 and I can't keep him out of the grass and dirt… enjoy every moment because it is constantly changing.
And your hair is absolutely beautiful. I am extremely jealous of your luxurious locks!!
Yeah, what April said. Why are you posting photos with depth and realism that tell a story when you could get some great shots at a Sears or Penney's photo studio? You know, with like a choice of 4 backdrops to choose from. Like April said, strange.
Dear Stephanie,
This time I'm writing to you in Italian because I'm convinced that in English I can't properly communicate what I want to say.
Oh Steph, your children are so beautiful! Every day they get cuter and "funnier" [no perfect translation of 'buffi']. I'll be honest: I'm a bit jealous because you have an uncommon strength of characuter, because you are able to write so honestly, so terribly spontaneously that one can't help but feel like your friend even if they've never met you in person.
You also have a marvelous family and it's obvious that you're all truly happy.
I wish you very good things and hope to know you personally sooner or later. I was very tempted to hop on a plane and attend your recent appearance in Bryant Park. Then reason won over and I resisted.
But sooner or later, if not for you coming here to Italy for a book-related appearance, I will one day get on that plane to come see you.
A big hug and again always my best wishes.
P.S. Who knows if someone will be able to translate what I've written.
Oh Stephanie – they are tooooo darling! I just wanted to keep clicking on the pictures – more! more! They are amazing.
I may have mentioned it before, but my sweet, precious baby boy is now 6'3. The other night in the mirror he rested his head on top of mine and said 'look at my cute little mother'. At 5'8, I have to admit, I never expected to be a 'little mother'.
The babies are super cute.. SUPER SUPER cute!!! The grass looks weird. I know that is a dumb comment about the grass, but it looks fake. I am a homeowner so I notice stupid things like that.. :)
your photos are always so gorgeous! You had mentioned that you took classes at the ICP — are there any that you would recommend? Also, what kind of photo editing software do you use? thanks!
How lucky you are to have two lovelies who look exactly like you. I call my husband and daughter the twins because they look so much alike. Thanks for sharing these pics. Abigail's ears made my morning.
And thank you rain for that gorgeous grassy background.
Wow, I love seeing their pictures and how much they have grown. They so look like little individuals already. It's so fun seeing them change. Thanks for sharing!!
Reminds me of my oldest (now 32) the first time
his grandma put him in the grass. The child could barely speak, but told her he didn't like the grass "cause birds poop in it!!"
Rebecca- Grass looks wierd? what are you talking about? That is St. Augustine grass. Very common. Don't these pictures look very similar? Maybe they are selling fake grass…
My grass is crappy. Weedy. I want St. Augustine grass in my yard! :) Sorry, don't mean to blog about the grass, just made a side comment. Really I shouldn't have noticed at all.. I am a dork :)
These were wonderful, Stephanie. I wish you could get one of Lucas smiling. Im anxious to see how adorable he is when he smiles, considering he's precious as all get out without even smiling.
Ive said it before, but I'll say it again. Abigail is going to be a hurtin' on Phil with those eyes.
Hey Rebecca,
Don't be so hard on yourself. I thought the blades of grass looked unusually large. I'm used to thinner blades where I live. Variety is good. Wonderful pictures, so so cute. Stephanie & Phil, have a great weekend!
Bee-utiful! Forgive me for prying, but do you and Phil have a couple of baby pictures of yourselves you'd be willing to post so we could see them next to the little'uns?
a with flowers and splendors are the cutest pictures in the world! What cuties.
they are the sweetest little babies ever!! I just want to wat them up!
When did they get so big?? They're gorgeous, Miss Stephanie.
Ohmigod! Abigail looks just like the suitor. Those two are too cute!
Awww.. so cute, although they don't look so happy in some of these pics!! Lucas looks quite concerned, actually :)
Curious to know, how are you holding up with all of the storms in your area?
Your photography is amazing and your children are beautiful… I want to learn! Where do I start?
seriously could those babies be any cuter?
And ahhhhhh the photography…I love it!
The grass reminds me of the grass described in Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory…the edible grass he has….I love it!
The beans and the stalks……..delicious!
As a Texan, I started a tradition of taking pics of my daughter every year in the fields of Bluebonnets in the spring. Still my fave pics, but now I have moved to Florida. Maybe you can pick up the tradition with your babies!
These babies are just beautiful, absolutely delicious!!!! I'm so glad they are growing and have wide bright eyes and they are even getting chubby!!! I'm so glad to see those tiny little things getting chubby!!!! They are just wonderful, and healthy.
I'm reading your book right now. I just wanted to say I think that it is wonderful how much growth you have shown. I've been following your blog for months.
Isn't it so amazingly beautiful that you created these two beautiful babies in a loving marriage with a wonderful man, after experiencing such an agonizing, painful one with a shithead? I think your story is a story of triumph.
I'm reading your book right now. I just wanted to say I think that it is wonderful how much growth you have shown. I've been following your blog for months.
Isn't it so amazingly beautiful that you created these two beautiful babies in a loving marriage with a wonderful man, after experiencing such an agonizing, painful one with a shithead? I think your story is a story of triumph.
Dazzling. What gems.
Lucas has his eyebrow cocked just like yours in the top of the page photo of you :D Those babies are beautiful :D
they are so full of expression!!!
oh my god, Abigail with the flowers.. that's one of the most perfect photos I've ever seen. I wish I had a fraction of your talent for photography.
Why are you displaying photos of your children crying? This is strange
Awww! They look so cute and are getting so big. I love the picture of you and Abigail: 2 gorgeous redheads.
Cara Stephanie,
stavolta ti scrivo in italiano perché in inglese, sono convinta, non riesco a comunicare bene il senso di quello che voglio dire.
Oh Steph, ma quanto sono belli i tuoi bimbi! Ogni giorno diventano più simpatici e buffi.
Sarò sincera: ti invidio un po' perché hai una forza di carattere non comune, perché riesci a scrivere in modo così genuino, così terribilmente spontaneo che non si può fare a meno di sentirti amica anche se non ci si è mai visti in faccia.
E poi hai una famiglia meravigliosa e si vede che siete davvero felici.
Ti auguro ogni bene e spero di conoscerti di persona prima o poi. Sono stata molto tentata di prendere un aereo e venire alla tua ultima presentazione a Bryant Park. Poi la ragione ha avuto il sopravvento e ho desistito.
Ma prima o poi, se non sarai tu a venire qui in Italia a presentare il tuo libro, quell'aereo lo prenderò.
Un abbraccio e ancora e sempre tanti auguri.
p.s. chissà se qualcuno riuscirà a tradurre quanto ho scritto.
Lucas has your eyes exactly!
Lucas0607 is the best.
Aren't they supposed to have more hair by now or have they already had haircuts.
They are so beautiful. I am glad to see they are thriving so much. We found with our twins that around this age, they started to be so much FUN and I hope the same is true for you (sitting up was really a breakthrough in everyone's overall happiness).
some of my favorite pictures of my daughter are ones where she's crying…it's such a good still picture to capture…
I had a bad morning and these photos made me feel much better. Thank you for that. The babies are gorgeous and your photography is stunning. I'm impressed.
First, I will be repetetive and say beautiful pictures and children.
Second, my son hated grass too. From the looks of the pictures I would say your beans don't like it either. A sheet on grass was a good as a fence. He wouldn't stray one inch off the sheet. I was the same way my mom says. Fast forward to year #2 and I can't keep him out of the grass and dirt… enjoy every moment because it is constantly changing.
And your hair is absolutely beautiful. I am extremely jealous of your luxurious locks!!
What cuties!
Lucas cracks me up and Abigail is looking more and more like Phil. They are both beautiful!
they are SO so cute. love when you share pictures. i love all of the vibrant colors too! wow!
have to confess, i look forward to their pics every day :)
Yeah, what April said. Why are you posting photos with depth and realism that tell a story when you could get some great shots at a Sears or Penney's photo studio? You know, with like a choice of 4 backdrops to choose from. Like April said, strange.
Translation for Manuela:
Dear Stephanie,
This time I'm writing to you in Italian because I'm convinced that in English I can't properly communicate what I want to say.
Oh Steph, your children are so beautiful! Every day they get cuter and "funnier" [no perfect translation of 'buffi']. I'll be honest: I'm a bit jealous because you have an uncommon strength of characuter, because you are able to write so honestly, so terribly spontaneously that one can't help but feel like your friend even if they've never met you in person.
You also have a marvelous family and it's obvious that you're all truly happy.
I wish you very good things and hope to know you personally sooner or later. I was very tempted to hop on a plane and attend your recent appearance in Bryant Park. Then reason won over and I resisted.
But sooner or later, if not for you coming here to Italy for a book-related appearance, I will one day get on that plane to come see you.
A big hug and again always my best wishes.
P.S. Who knows if someone will be able to translate what I've written.
I want so badly to see these picks but work blocks the picture hosting site you have them on! Please post the cuties in the old format!!! please?
Oh Stephanie – they are tooooo darling! I just wanted to keep clicking on the pictures – more! more! They are amazing.
I may have mentioned it before, but my sweet, precious baby boy is now 6'3. The other night in the mirror he rested his head on top of mine and said 'look at my cute little mother'. At 5'8, I have to admit, I never expected to be a 'little mother'.
Thanks for the extra sunshine in my day.
The colors are magnificent. Lucas has his mothers face and they are both edible!
The babies are super cute.. SUPER SUPER cute!!! The grass looks weird. I know that is a dumb comment about the grass, but it looks fake. I am a homeowner so I notice stupid things like that.. :)
your photos are always so gorgeous! You had mentioned that you took classes at the ICP — are there any that you would recommend? Also, what kind of photo editing software do you use? thanks!
Wonderful picks! I love the shallow depth of field on the shots with the oak (?) tree in the background. Beautiful.
How lucky you are to have two lovelies who look exactly like you. I call my husband and daughter the twins because they look so much alike. Thanks for sharing these pics. Abigail's ears made my morning.
And thank you rain for that gorgeous grassy background.
Beautiful pics, beautiful babies. And I love your hair in the last photo…it's gorgeous!
That yawn by Lucas, so sweet. Makes me want another baby.
Wow, I love seeing their pictures and how much they have grown. They so look like little individuals already. It's so fun seeing them change. Thanks for sharing!!
So So So Cute !!
Reminds me of my oldest (now 32) the first time
his grandma put him in the grass. The child could barely speak, but told her he didn't like the grass "cause birds poop in it!!"
Thanks for the memory jog!!
Rebecca- Grass looks wierd? what are you talking about? That is St. Augustine grass. Very common. Don't these pictures look very similar? Maybe they are selling fake grass…
Green Thumber,
My grass is crappy. Weedy. I want St. Augustine grass in my yard! :) Sorry, don't mean to blog about the grass, just made a side comment. Really I shouldn't have noticed at all.. I am a dork :)
These were wonderful, Stephanie. I wish you could get one of Lucas smiling. Im anxious to see how adorable he is when he smiles, considering he's precious as all get out without even smiling.
Ive said it before, but I'll say it again. Abigail is going to be a hurtin' on Phil with those eyes.
Stephanie & Phil,
Your babies are adorable. Great photos
Hey Rebecca,
Don't be so hard on yourself. I thought the blades of grass looked unusually large. I'm used to thinner blades where I live. Variety is good. Wonderful pictures, so so cute. Stephanie & Phil, have a great weekend!
What a lovely set of pics…good idea, I think!
Bee-utiful! Forgive me for prying, but do you and Phil have a couple of baby pictures of yourselves you'd be willing to post so we could see them next to the little'uns?