The Poland Spring guy was back this morning; he came to collect six empty bottles and my cooler service. When I went to unplug the cooler from the outlet, I had to move my white antique dresser. I would have asked The Suitor to do it, but he’s afraid of outlets. In the crack of space I created, amid the dust chunks, I discovered a dusty DVD. Could it be? It was my long lost Anne of Green Gables. “God, does this mean we have to actually watch it?”
“Don’t be dim; it’s a snow day.”
Today is a snow day, but I’m spending it alone because no one I know can play with me. Besides, I don’t like to play in the snow anyway. I never understood the point of making a snowball. It hurts and stings my hands, even if they are in thermal gloves. I play like a girl in the snow. I’ll make a snow angel and photograph children on sleds, but for me, the best part about being in the snow is getting out of it. When I was young, after a few hours of sledding on the local golf course, I’d come home to blender-made hot chocolate. My mother set the blender to the “whip” setting, and when it became frothy and filled with air, she’d pour it into bowls for us. All hot chocolate should be had in a café au lait bowl. Or a tartan thermos, but then it should be spiked with Maker’s Mark.
[Tweet “The best part about being in the snow is getting out of it.”]After some wine, the rolling up of wet jeans, lamp-lit white streets, the crunch of it, I can fall in love on a snow day. Friendships form over board games in cozy dive bars as the fat feathers of snow fall. It’s easy to fall in love when it’s snowing; it’s a dramatic scene that lends itself to warmth and memory. To mittens. To him brushing that stray curl off your face.
People buy salt for their stoops and food for a month. They caramelize onions in rendered bacon fat and eat three-egg omelettes. If they have leftover herbs, they’ll add them. Basil would be good. It’s also a good diner day. A warm buttered roll. The counter. I wouldn’t mind, even, looking at those halved melons filled with jello and covered in plastic wrap. It’s a good egg day.
I think I’ll stay inside and read today. I was hoping to pick up Mary Gaitskill’s new novel, Veronica. I might make the trek to Borders, but then it will feel less like a snow day.
When I awoke this morning, I thought of heading out to photograph central park before there were too many footprints. But, it’s too cold, despite how many layers I pack on. And I guess it would be worth it if I had the proper snow clothes, but wet jeans by yourself isn’t a good time. It’s just cold. So I’ll visit The North Face for pants and mittens. No I won’t. Instead I’ll go to Borders and tackle my to-do list, but I’ll do it with cocoa in hand… and maybe a camera.

These are few of my favourite things.
being a new yorker .. i think you'll survive.. borders isnt a bad place to hide fer a while.. but having to put all that clothing and booting on.. thats what separates the "real lazy" new yorkers from those who just live here…
I've been reading, but not remarking, for months, but the mention of Jell-o-filled melons fills me with homesickness for New York and compells me to comment. Now when I go home next week I will probably eat one – not because it's good, but because it is a special kind of awful that I can't get here in London. Thanks for reminding me…
Enjoyed seeing you on TV last night here in central Oklahoma. No lake comment though, but nonetheless you did a great job.
If I had my druthers, I'd be down at Chelsea Piers, near the Frying Pan. They've got a great old caboose there on the pier, and you can climb up into the top and look out the little cupola.
I've always thought it would be great to bring a thermos or two of hot drinks in there and watch the snow fall.
It's my next on the to-do list, now that the Brooklyn Bridge/Grimaldi's has been checked off the list.
Sometimes you'll say something that makes everything so clear. Now I know why it's easy to fall in love when it's snowing. Beautifully written. Now if only I could move back to New York and out of this God forsaken desert…Ah, Las Vegas in winter looks like…..Las Vegas at any other time of the year………sigh.
Oh how I would love to crawl into my nice warm chair, sit by the fire and drink hot tea for the rest of the season. Who thought up this winter crap anyway? I'd emerge, having fasted for 3-4 months, sveldt, rested, and ready for spring.
I love the 3 teens' faces when they come in from skiing, sledding or playing in the snow, pink cheeked and energized – I love to meet them with hot chocolate with whipped cream on top and know that I'm making happy memories for them that they'll recall when they're grown up and away from home.
Happy reading on your snow day – have a great one.
It's a snow day here in Montreal too, probably the same front.
I took my dog to the park before the world was awake and listened to the muffled sounds of far away cars.
I love how the city gets quieter when it snows.
Enjoy your day, Stephanie :)
afraid of outlets? seriously? that's funny…i guess i shouldn't talk since we all have our phobias.
nice pics!
Saw you last night on the Food Network in Chicago. It was so fun to see you in living color and to hear you talk. It adds a whole new dimension to the blog. Good job!
Please don't ruin your cozy day by making a trip to Northface. Was there yesterday. Rude staff and no stock left. Stay home and be thankful that you are out of the buzzing fourescents of office life!
It is definitely not a snow day here in Orlando today. So I don't think I am in the mood for hot chocolate.
General Max
You were GREAT last night!! Was that your apartment? It look so tidy and neat! Your friends were all great on tv as well! You looked like a dream! I must mention that I think you are very humble in the fact that they didn't even mention your blog, which sort of set a lot of things in motion for you. A writer from New York is what they called you! Perfect description of you. You have the cutest accent I have ever heard! Your suitor looked great as well! Missed Linus, where was he??
I adore Ann of Green Gables.
Veronica is so amazing. Gaitskill writes emotion like no one else…but I warn you, it is incredibly depressing.
I am reading The Historian. Nothing like reading about the Dracula legend on a dark and stormy night. :)
Also, I agree about the Northface store. Rude staff misinforming you. I walked out of there and got the same jacket I wanted for $80 less by ordering online from Campmor. I highly recommend Campmor – silk long underwear and toasty socks and a ski parka right to my doorstep as a discount.
I saw you on Food Network last night like everyone else has said. Thought the segment was great and your apartment is amazing.
Here in Chicago, we're having a huge snow day too. Probably a foot or so came down and it has caused all sorts of problems. I hope you have a great day!
Steph! Come on girl! You're in the city! I live about 45 minutes north of you, up on a hill one mile high, where NO plows will venture. I am literally "stuck"…and now it's sunny out, and my only wish was, "I WISH I WAS IN NYC!" You have so much more to do than me.
Anyway, saw you on the cooking network last night. Great segment you had. Was that really your apartment or a set up? I didn't here "lake" either, BUT———I did see some major cleavage going on there!
You're beautiful –your pictures don't do ya justice!
Enjoy your day!
Thank you, but it wasn't my apartment. It was my friend Jen's loft. I couldn't imagine a camera crew at my place with Linus barking. So I brought all my arts and crafts goodies to her place… which she thankfully volunteered. Speaking of thankful… I'm moving away from the Upper Westside of this city! But that's for another post.
I set my VCR to record you on Food Network, only to realize that since I live in Canada, I more than likely won't see it. Dammit. I was so looking forward to seeing you with movement, hear your voice – finally you would become a three dimensional person, almost tangible…
Enjoy your cocoa and your read…but get ye to North Face soon…you might run out of cocoa.
Ciao for now…
I've never been a big winter person (I'm from New Orleans–45 degrees is artic & gawd forbid there is actually a snowflake or two–the city shuts down) but your description is rather lovely.
Makes me want to sneak out of work, go get a warm vanilla latte & watch others frolic in the snow while safely tucked in a cozy warm spot…
Great to see you on the Food Network, Stephanie. I was excited. I called my friend Sara and said, "Quick. Turn over to the Food Network. Stephanie Klein's on!" That was a fun show. Looks like you have awesome friends.
as i sit here, drinking my spiked hot chocolate, i have to say – great post!
Wow.. Photos are frickin' amazing. If I didn't live here already I'd be making plans to move.. Snow feathers, fish pillows, violet shadows.. Keep it comin'!
Nice! Very, nice!
The show was so cool!! You are so hot!! So is the suitor!
Enjoy your snow day!
You have snow there? It must be beautiful.
I finally met someone last night!
Ha, I just had to tell you too.
Re Rebecca's comment…here's to "spiked" hot chocolate!
I was already excited to come home for a fix next week, but after seeing your pictures I want to cry! each one is absolutely beautiful and amazing, but the balloons in front of citrus kills. and the complete joy on the faces of those kids . . . the very last one with the couple outside of the bakery made me smile, too. thank you for your words, your images, and your love of NYC.
i haven't seen snow yet this year. In Paris they have set up evergreens with faux snow and it looks pretty but it's about 40 degrees and sunny and lovely.
snow days are so cozy inside
and, i'm thinking about buying a camera for at least one or two shots before I go back to NYC
yes, each time you say it I hear it even though it seems like I don't
Wait – where are you moving? From your posts and from seeing you at Starbucks occasionally I think that you live near me. I would be sad if you moved.
I conjure up different images when you say melons filled with jello. You're moving? Hmmm, lots of questions cross my mind…
Melon with yell[oy]? Eep!
It was great and exciting to see you on the Food Network today!! It's good to put a face/voice with the blog. ;-)
how i wish i were there.
it doesnt snow in India except in the northen parts
re: Jean in London, I'm also a NY transplant (currently living in Rome), and also love coming here for the little NYisms that the Italians don't get (although everyone has a cousin named Tony in Brooklyn….). I think if Stephanie ever writes about H&H bagels and Hunan Park, I might cry.