burri [ed]

monique after a few drinks, with an all too expensive (and heavy) bucket on her head
View the photos from the night >>

The world of bloggers is incestuous.
girlsathermes Bloggers attend similar events then link off to one another “the day after.” We have to IM the PR guy for reminders about names—real names, and then, oh yeah, what’s her address again? Because you had too much champagne, and her blog cards are still at the printer. Still, it’s always nice to meet the brethren faces behind the mostly anonymous blog addresses. Culture Kitchen, Anonymous Outsider, the lovely Maccers (who I am sorry but you closed your beautiful eyes in all of them!), Gothamist’s Jen Chung, and of course Chris closed the incestuous circle. Matt Caldecutt (PR guy) stood center ring, passing out the introductions. By the by, I live for these events.
santa So it’s “the day after” and my Limo-Scene is chipping. Despite that, I’m in a terrific mood, singing Christmas songs all morning. Santa Baby has been top of mind today. I met him last night (I swear) at Rene Burri’s photography show at the Hermes gallery. The man might be Swiss, but all his friends are North Pole natives, buried in facial hair.

dried_pear_blue_cheese_honeyalmond Allow me a moment to talk food. Oh my. Pear crisps with blue cheese and an almond converted the devout “Ew, I don’t do blue” into pious worshipers. Seared tuna hovered polenta cakes and was plated with orchids and a stone arrangement, evoking thoughts of the spa. The jeweled morsels of food captured my attention; despite the male model wait staff doling out the goods. At one point, I chased a model down for a diver scallop. Suddenly, I’m in a loop of strangers. Alas, Rene Burri and I click shoulders as we clamor for the lone scallop. “The only thing more fabulous than this food are the photographs” I say to the waiter while glancing at the photographer. Santa gave me a wink and insisted I have the last scallop standing. My work was done here. On to Gray’s Papaya for Linus’ dinner. “Two naked to go.” Yum.

famous_photo3 I encourage all photography admirers to check out the show. I believe there is also a book signing at ICP on May 7. Devious with my Nikon, I committed a no-no. Photographed photographs. Check ‘em out. >>



  1. Pictures were fun to look at. Food looked soo good. I love all the pics with you and Chris and the one of him striking. I miss him. You look great in glasses, can't say that about many people.

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